the YMCA JOIN THE WYOMING VALLEY YMCA FOR ITS SECOND ANNUAL HEALTHY SENIORS' DAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 40 W NORTHAMPTON ST, WB, PA 11 AM - 2 PM FREE EVENTS BINGO, healthy snacks, sample exercise classes, sample aqua-aerobics, health-fair vendors, immunizations, and 570-970-5012 more! HIGHMARK. * the YMCA JOIN THE WYOMING VALLEY YMCA FOR ITS SECOND ANNUAL HEALTHY SENIORS ' DAY SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 40 W NORTHAMPTON ST , WB , PA 11 AM - 2 PM FREE EVENTS BINGO , healthy snacks , sample exercise classes , sample aqua - aerobics , health - fair vendors , immunizations , and 570-970-5012 more ! HIGHMARK . *