Y the YMCA Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA wvymca.org FREE SENIOR PROGRAMS A Matter of Balance, Senior Lunch Walks & Tech Help The Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA is offering free programs this fall for seniors! Improve your health, make friends in a social setting and give yourself the gift of independence. Programs are offered at both the Greater Pittston and Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA locations. BALANCE & FALLS A Matter of Balance benefits older adults who are concerned about falls, have sustained falls in the past, restrict activities because of concerns about falling and are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength. Enjoy group and social interaction, learn how to exercise safely and reduce fears. CALL TO ENROLL 570-823-2191 WALK FOR HEALTH TECH HELP WILKES-BARRE FAMILY YMCA MONDAYS AT 11:30AM GREATER PITTSTON YMCA WEDNESDAYS AT 11:30AM Join us for an hour long walk through the community featuring local sights and informational talks. Weather permitting. Pre-registration not required. Get connected & troubleshoot problems Have confidence using technology Gain independence manging your health at home One hour senior tech appointments are available for free on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3-6pm. CALL TO SCHEDULE 570-823-2191 BOOK ONLINE: wvymca.org/seniortech CONTACT US TODAY! 570-823-2191 Y the YMCA Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA wvymca.org FREE SENIOR PROGRAMS A Matter of Balance , Senior Lunch Walks & Tech Help The Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA is offering free programs this fall for seniors ! Improve your health , make friends in a social setting and give yourself the gift of independence . Programs are offered at both the Greater Pittston and Wilkes - Barre Family YMCA locations . BALANCE & FALLS A Matter of Balance benefits older adults who are concerned about falls , have sustained falls in the past , restrict activities because of concerns about falling and are interested in improving flexibility , balance and strength . Enjoy group and social interaction , learn how to exercise safely and reduce fears . CALL TO ENROLL 570-823-2191 WALK FOR HEALTH TECH HELP WILKES - BARRE FAMILY YMCA MONDAYS AT 11:30 AM GREATER PITTSTON YMCA WEDNESDAYS AT 11:30 AM Join us for an hour long walk through the community featuring local sights and informational talks . Weather permitting . Pre - registration not required . Get connected & troubleshoot problems Have confidence using technology Gain independence manging your health at home One hour senior tech appointments are available for free on Monday , Wednesday and Friday from 3-6pm . CALL TO SCHEDULE 570-823-2191 BOOK ONLINE : wvymca.org/seniortech CONTACT US TODAY ! 570-823-2191