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    February 16, 2025
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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH FROM 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Fix Your Foot and Ankle Pain Workshop FREE Is foot or ankle pain keeping you from living your best life? Were you once an avid runner, who now finds it hard to jog? Are you tired of Googling remedies that just don't work or make your pain worse? Have you suffered with foot or ankle pain and felt confused on where to turn for relief? Have you tried treatments before and are you frustrated that they did not work? At Elite Spine and Sports Physical Therapy, we've proudly helped thousands of people across Luzerne and Lackawanna County overcome their pain and improve their quality of life. So by request, we are hosting a FREE Foot and Ankle Pain Workshop át Elite Spine and Sports Physical Therapy at 4805 Birney Ave, Moosic PA 18507 The workshop is FREE, but seating is limited to the first 20 people who sign up. We will be mailing this out to the public, sending it in our newsletter, publishing it on Facebook, and advertising it in the newspaper. RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW (ONCE THE WORKSHOP IS FILLED, WE WILL START A WAITING LIST). Matthew Traver, DPT, with over 13 years in the orthopedic outpatient world, in the first hour will reveal: The Top Causes of Foot & Ankle Pain and Proven Solutions to Finally Find Lasting Relief Which common foot and ankle exercises that most people with foot/ankle pain perform they actually do more harm than good (chances are you are doing them!).....and what to do instead! What to do instead of the "Frozen Water Bottle" that is much for effective Has every step become miserable? Maybe you are ready for lasting relief! In the second hour, we're excited to welcome guest speaker Dr. Jan Golden, DPM (Doctor of Podiatry). Dr. Golden is a Board-Certified Podiatrist and wound care specialist with years of experience and knowledge. She will reveal: How Do I Know When It's Time to Seek Medical Treatment for Foot or Ankle Pain? How Do Custom Insoles Offer Lasting Relief for Foot Pain and Discomfort? The #1 treatment podiatrists use to relieve foot pain for good How do I know if it's time for surgery or injections to treat my foot pain? Personalized solutions to keep you active and pain-free! Don't let foot pain hold you back-step into a healthier future today! RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! CALL 570-774-4200 TO SAVE YOUR SEAT ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 4805 Bimney Ave | Moosic, PA 18507-570-774-4200 182 Butler St | Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-570-970-0402 Visit our website at WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 26TH FROM 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Fix Your Foot and Ankle Pain Workshop FREE Is foot or ankle pain keeping you from living your best life ? Were you once an avid runner , who now finds it hard to jog ? Are you tired of Googling remedies that just don't work or make your pain worse ? Have you suffered with foot or ankle pain and felt confused on where to turn for relief ? Have you tried treatments before and are you frustrated that they did not work ? At Elite Spine and Sports Physical Therapy , we've proudly helped thousands of people across Luzerne and Lackawanna County overcome their pain and improve their quality of life . So by request , we are hosting a FREE Foot and Ankle Pain Workshop át Elite Spine and Sports Physical Therapy at 4805 Birney Ave , Moosic PA 18507 The workshop is FREE , but seating is limited to the first 20 people who sign up . We will be mailing this out to the public , sending it in our newsletter , publishing it on Facebook , and advertising it in the newspaper . RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW ( ONCE THE WORKSHOP IS FILLED , WE WILL START A WAITING LIST ) . Matthew Traver , DPT , with over 13 years in the orthopedic outpatient world , in the first hour will reveal : The Top Causes of Foot & Ankle Pain and Proven Solutions to Finally Find Lasting Relief Which common foot and ankle exercises that most people with foot / ankle pain perform they actually do more harm than good ( chances are you are doing them ! ) ..... and what to do instead ! What to do instead of the " Frozen Water Bottle " that is much for effective Has every step become miserable ? Maybe you are ready for lasting relief ! In the second hour , we're excited to welcome guest speaker Dr. Jan Golden , DPM ( Doctor of Podiatry ) . Dr. Golden is a Board - Certified Podiatrist and wound care specialist with years of experience and knowledge . She will reveal : How Do I Know When It's Time to Seek Medical Treatment for Foot or Ankle Pain ? How Do Custom Insoles Offer Lasting Relief for Foot Pain and Discomfort ? The # 1 treatment podiatrists use to relieve foot pain for good How do I know if it's time for surgery or injections to treat my foot pain ? Personalized solutions to keep you active and pain - free ! Don't let foot pain hold you back - step into a healthier future today ! RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW ! CALL 570-774-4200 TO SAVE YOUR SEAT ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 4805 Bimney Ave | Moosic , PA 18507-570-774-4200 182 Butler St | Wilkes - Barre , PA 18702-570-970-0402 Visit our website at