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  • Published Date

    February 2, 2022
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SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Last State Silver Bank Rolls up for grabs Fortune of old Silver Coins issued by the U.S. Gov'tsealed away in the only State Restricted Bank Rolls known to exist are actually being handed over to Pennsylvania residents STATE RESTRICTION: Only residents of PA get the $19 state minimum - non state residents must pay $57 per coin w breing r ihe fol of al it Laun Ly, USCnd Cuy D ede Nl et and Try Tha berete de the la ining Rate ol ho ed Ser k Ra kded wah runty men us Gn Sr Keny Pree l Half bs rily being hdet r ta ngtania midenta who cal te Natnl dine e wwer ptn. Al ber e be peri. yre den of the ae l nytania y over oly the per cn tt t by Natil Mt and Ts tu ety eer dl kely Prede al Hat D wrthp ele aeal ar ju ah al el bee s dta t pe per coew alU her e day dedine "Ntinal Met nd Tway wedy e w Cl P N Wiry fre pee wtly wone of e nty n Sher Kenedy Preddenti Har Ddan mintet ero y h ly e led e ed ed deddaic ding teried one lacky oh to pt their hande on h k e al letir len ass OLLS RYING OUT THE DOO st S ed S NamoMad Tery Answering Your Questions ew that the e of e ed er a beng et be rpried thode Pga ets cm de mai a Hew te dlaim the last Ste Restrieted Siver Bank Rolls AH you are a Penneyania nesident read the importent information below about claiming he State kestricled Se Bark Rol then cele State Tofree Hotine at 1800-23-5 EXT JFRato beginning at precisely 30 AM a moming ww lk R per mideteire they'eat Tu tete d ar of he UK Gid d Key Pwidtal r Dlled ay lde e Stte of ala Retrt Ser he er len d B wwdek that h te hok the d ome my be warth up t e ter er val, l what i d y rt thegh a he nlpne w G Are these Slver Kennedy Hal Dollars worth more than other Hall Dollerst A These raely seen Siver Kannedy Presidentalat Dolar were nined inthe mid 0 That makm thee silver coine etremely collectible. The vat majority of hall dolan minted aher 0 have nosiver content at alact these Kannedy hesidentia Hal Dolanee the lntsilver core forcrtion. That'symary of themowcommand colector alun of many times their lacel there ne teling hom they co be morthi collector alue soeday Tanly w r c e hen y n, bww er ying le te bek Acngte The oial Red Book, a Guide k af Uited Se C det s h ty dd eter vale in jut the let ni yran a How much are the State Restricted Sver Bank Rolla worth Amoonble te buhee enely Peidenta a Duan dee ba toheid 0nd e a 0 in ach lak Rol e you beter huryout get denoey your hande an them Calector valun lay he only Perreyana Se Sver Berk e olectble eanyore h pette and thenee Sr Kenedy ed titnd Kenedydent Ha Dul ne Sute lesictet Sher lari souod "w p dodeof eyte ia mite w laking the mei eSk R lec u mly et m noled this way diwty bm e Nadonal Mar d Tray d tey a e ly ate trited a a k a Why are se many Pennaylvania residenta calling to get them? Aee tey ae the anly Sa Resticed Sver lari Ruls knon toist and everyone a. Thee not ordnary bark role These ae Bark Rol cotaining 20Ser Kannedy Presidental Dolan dating dear backthe mid 0ome morth up tod tines ther face value Remember tha Ony Peveareidetsgarteed geten er jt heper cnstminiu setyhe Neonal Mitand Temy lo eent tdeys. Nan aesdett ay ser con "e ko the phonen wa te riegy e lok fele p eling l s d bear them l'lynneid The sly thing nadern fdgpe perp nd deleey as tf e satef hg nd ct the N Te le e the day dd A The only thing Peryania residentsneed todecal the State oFee Holinet10035e Et to elore he deadine ends Eveyone he does isgetting the only Sune ke Ser Rols known est Tharsaa Roll of 20 Sler Kennedy Presdenal Dolas teS per con state mimu tby the Natioral Merand Tea which sota just SNO forthe Bark Rol Thata el becae non stane reiderta ae not permted so cal belore S pm IMPORTANT FACTS: The dates and mint marks of the rarely seen Sver Kennedy Presidential Halr Dolars sealed away in side the State of Pernsylania Restricted Siver Bank Rols have never been searched Coin values always fuctu- ate and there are never any quarantees but any rare, Scarce or highly oolectible coins, regardess of their value that state eesidents may fend inside the seled Bank Rols are theirs to keep UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST PENNSYLVANIA RESTRICTED ROLLS RETUNTH os COO OMAND A SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Last State Silver Bank Rolls up for grabs Fortune of old Silver Coins issued by the U.S. Gov'tsealed away in the only State Restricted Bank Rolls known to exist are actually being handed over to Pennsylvania residents STATE RESTRICTION: Only residents of PA get the $19 state minimum - non state residents must pay $57 per coin w breing r ihe fol of al it Laun Ly, USCnd Cuy D ede Nl et and Try Tha berete de the la ining Rate ol ho ed Ser k Ra kded wah runty men us Gn Sr Keny Pree l Half bs rily being hdet r ta ngtania midenta who cal te Natnl dine e wwer ptn. Al ber e be peri. yre den of the ae l nytania y over oly the per cn tt t by Natil Mt and Ts tu ety eer dl kely Prede al Hat D wrthp ele aeal ar ju ah al el bee s dta t pe per coew alU her e day dedine "Ntinal Met nd Tway wedy e w Cl P N Wiry fre pee wtly wone of e nty n Sher Kenedy Preddenti Har Ddan mintet ero y h ly e led e ed ed deddaic ding teried one lacky oh to pt their hande on h k e al letir len ass OLLS RYING OUT THE DOO st S ed S NamoMad Tery Answering Your Questions ew that the e of e ed er a beng et be rpried thode Pga ets cm de mai a Hew te dlaim the last Ste Restrieted Siver Bank Rolls AH you are a Penneyania nesident read the importent information below about claiming he State kestricled Se Bark Rol then cele State Tofree Hotine at 1800-23-5 EXT JFRato beginning at precisely 30 AM a moming ww lk R per mideteire they'eat Tu tete d ar of he UK Gid d Key Pwidtal r Dlled ay lde e Stte of ala Retrt Ser he er len d B wwdek that h te hok the d ome my be warth up t e ter er val, l what i d y rt thegh a he nlpne w G Are these Slver Kennedy Hal Dollars worth more than other Hall Dollerst A These raely seen Siver Kannedy Presidentalat Dolar were nined inthe mid 0 That makm thee silver coine etremely collectible. The vat majority of hall dolan minted aher 0 have nosiver content at alact these Kannedy hesidentia Hal Dolanee the lntsilver core forcrtion. That'symary of themowcommand colector alun of many times their lacel there ne teling hom they co be morthi collector alue soeday Tanly w r c e hen y n, bww er ying le te bek Acngte The oial Red Book, a Guide k af Uited Se C det s h ty dd eter vale in jut the let ni yran a How much are the State Restricted Sver Bank Rolla worth Amoonble te buhee enely Peidenta a Duan dee ba toheid 0nd e a 0 in ach lak Rol e you beter huryout get denoey your hande an them Calector valun lay he only Perreyana Se Sver Berk e olectble eanyore h pette and thenee Sr Kenedy ed titnd Kenedydent Ha Dul ne Sute lesictet Sher lari souod "w p dodeof eyte ia mite w laking the mei eSk R lec u mly et m noled this way diwty bm e Nadonal Mar d Tray d tey a e ly ate trited a a k a Why are se many Pennaylvania residenta calling to get them? Aee tey ae the anly Sa Resticed Sver lari Ruls knon toist and everyone a. Thee not ordnary bark role These ae Bark Rol cotaining 20Ser Kannedy Presidental Dolan dating dear backthe mid 0ome morth up tod tines ther face value Remember tha Ony Peveareidetsgarteed geten er jt heper cnstminiu setyhe Neonal Mitand Temy lo eent tdeys. Nan aesdett ay ser con "e ko the phonen wa te riegy e lok fele p eling l s d bear them l'lynneid The sly thing nadern fdgpe perp nd deleey as tf e satef hg nd ct the N Te le e the day dd A The only thing Peryania residentsneed todecal the State oFee Holinet10035e Et to elore he deadine ends Eveyone he does isgetting the only Sune ke Ser Rols known est Tharsaa Roll of 20 Sler Kennedy Presdenal Dolas teS per con state mimu tby the Natioral Merand Tea which sota just SNO forthe Bark Rol Thata el becae non stane reiderta ae not permted so cal belore S pm IMPORTANT FACTS: The dates and mint marks of the rarely seen Sver Kennedy Presidential Halr Dolars sealed away in side the State of Pernsylania Restricted Siver Bank Rols have never been searched Coin values always fuctu- ate and there are never any quarantees but any rare, Scarce or highly oolectible coins, regardess of their value that state eesidents may fend inside the seled Bank Rols are theirs to keep UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST PENNSYLVANIA RESTRICTED ROLLS RETUNTH os COO OMAND A