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  • Published Date

    January 28, 2021
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SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Last State Restricted Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls go to PA residents Pennsylvania reskdents get first dibs on last remaining Bonk Rolls koaded wth U.S. Giov'r issned Morgan Silver Dollars dating back to the 1800's some worth up to 100 times their foce valve for just the 59 minimwm set for state residents - non state residents ust pay 136 per coin if any remain after 2-day dendline STATE DISTRIBUTION: A strict limit of 4 State Restricted Bank Rolls per PA resident has been imposed PENNSYLVANIA "air thee Bate Restricted Bank Roll wn exit. That why Hoe Operatore aev bracing Sar he food of cal sid Laars lae, UR Co and Cereny Trea rer kr the Natal Mint and Trvavary For the et days ce last enag Sute of Penyania Restricted Bank Rol ded with rarely wen UR G d Mongan Sver Illare atally being hand ed over to Peyvania veldenta who cal he Na nal TFrve elnes lited today's ewpaper palication 1 reortly spke with the retired Trar if ie Ued Sates of MCPOT: Americn whe ld n ally y s Trvarer ve ly eenhand Mrgn Ser dal of thee rare Mrgan r D Dolar hoan lars led ty che Go back ia o e te atealy find the anector waled away in Bate Retricted Bank Rol n pristine condion i Ending berd tovaare aone te acky vncogh to get their hande on There ene de Bk Rols had letler hd e them" Lynne sak. "Nowthai the ateteta mideti ete Retrieted lank Rell are being ted a dered up we wat te surprid etherly hoasands of Peybaia redenta yore beca en elaim the ma n nd o 14 Bnk Re per reldent bet es-000 ey're allgone iynne id. "Thats bece the dates ad wwrks of the US Gwt ld Mer colling losa bug Wediour Tvasyvanla residesta get the Sute make sure they anaresident of the nSver Dn sid wy lide lest tor the lyeail Restrktel Rank Rala befere they'e state ef Peanytvanie and call the TOR PE n A STATE WESC TS ONLY .FLI PA RESTRICTED POR PE A STATE HES HTS ONLY agine nding PA ho atoneof CONAE DY UNITED STATES MINT VALUALE RESTRICTED beure hut eteing w y thrs t handson the becane the da and Govteedco hese State of Pey te sorched Alweinoome of te c FOR PENNSYE collector va Omes ther face va National Tl-Free Hotlies befire Bank lelle huve never been warched Treanry wt up the National Toll The only thing readers of today's the -day deadline mde midnight Tut, wedkow that he cina date Fre Hiines oder temake are apaper publication red te do la tomorow cear bak to the 0ooand arth y 100 th e valn, IMPORTANT: The dates and mint marks of the US. Govt issued Morgan Silver Dolars sealed ere in no leling what Penyvinia identa wil fnd tey away inide the State of Pernsylvania Restricted Bank Rolls have never been searched, Coin val- ues always fluctuate and they are never any ouarantees, but any of the scarce coins shown below, And ews the best part. If pou a regardiess of their value that sesidents may find inside the sealed Bank Rols are theirs to keep. aridentofthe atedeyhania you oer only the per coln ale ini m t by the National Mint and Tro- urs thath ten ely wea US G nd Morgan Sver D lan worth ep to 100 simen their facre vale for just 0 uhih i a real steal tecase e residets mwt pay R per rany colna remain aer the day deadine. Thely thing yvania identa eed te deise the National TPree Holine prited in oday per juratike bee te day Metge 000 oeder deade eads "Rarly seen US Gov ed co lke thene are high y ught aher, but wve ever en nything e the bed. Areording o The Offelal Red Book, a Guide Bok of Usited Sute Cols any Mongan Slver Deas minted in the coH - S ace KOO each in collector valgnet "S just lagine hw the last aining eerchel State of Penyania Restrited Bok Rele oveld be worth moday. Remember these are sot oedinary cola - the anty een col 0 year od. In ft these coins hae been fer wer ired ly the UA Gon, and ye can't gt them lled wy anywhere becaue thee are the only Sute Restrieted Blank o knowa to exiet," Lyne sak " ing thoand of Peyvania idents wibeklng the maium l of 4 Bank Role becuam they make ing gits ke any ocaslon kor shildovn perva, perets, frends and bved ones" Lenne sid. " kae ibe phoees wil be ring goff he hook Thach why hundovde of kdine Operton are standing by o answer the plenes beginning R this ning Ww ping te do our bet, bet wlih jast 2 day le anneer all the cas woet be s Se make are te tell everyoeto ep Ma anf M Me San Mtage 0o Celerter Vl Mage oe Ccter Mtage Caet v s Cullester Val PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS: COVER JUST S59 MINIMUM PER COIN BEGIN CALLING AT R30 AM: 1-800-60-0189 EXT RMRS77 AA REe s a or P a C Nw e A THE TTE LIMT ora enre or Po A HESTICTE A OLLA. ALL PE A EN THE -ar OADLNE A TT ONLY L TEN OcoN BAOLL LOADE WITH RAELY sEEN UA. oT D omANVER oOLLARS DABACK tO THE 10s woRTH o 100 TES TH FAE e TO . THE OY T PN REENT coven e co er TH Nao Mt A T , a rEN AY sN a A w u s00 t V ro r o A THAAAL L EE A w 0 ron EACH ere or PEVLA NEICTED A OLL AT E RE TO CALL THE NAONAL TOLL FREE HonINE BEPORE THE DEADLINE ENDe Two o TOars Ano DA NON STATE RESIDENTS: MUST PAY $136 PER COIN - IF ANY REMAIN DO NOT CALL BEFORE S00 PM TOMORROW: 1-800-868-0573 RMRS77 vu AA or ere o Pe A vou a ce o rar SI ro AH a LAR ron A Toa o S,ae0 Pu s A HAIN ron or PE A RENTCO RANKL LOE TEN oT o mLIER DOLLARs NAIONAL MIN AND TREASRE AGENC FOR ANY REASONITN 30 DRrSTROMU MAT YOUR S AND RETURN POSTAGE THS SAE OER MAY BEMADEALALE LOCATION OsoeNS A SALES AK NAONAL MNT AND TREASU PO Ox CANON O S NATIONAL MNTAND TREASURY CooyEemAINTLAAN.OR ANNY GOVERENT LAER DATE ORINAOTERENT GEOGRACA SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Last State Restricted Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls go to PA residents Pennsylvania reskdents get first dibs on last remaining Bonk Rolls koaded wth U.S. Giov'r issned Morgan Silver Dollars dating back to the 1800's some worth up to 100 times their foce valve for just the 59 minimwm set for state residents - non state residents ust pay 136 per coin if any remain after 2-day dendline STATE DISTRIBUTION: A strict limit of 4 State Restricted Bank Rolls per PA resident has been imposed PENNSYLVANIA "air thee Bate Restricted Bank Roll wn exit. That why Hoe Operatore aev bracing Sar he food of cal sid Laars lae, UR Co and Cereny Trea rer kr the Natal Mint and Trvavary For the et days ce last enag Sute of Penyania Restricted Bank Rol ded with rarely wen UR G d Mongan Sver Illare atally being hand ed over to Peyvania veldenta who cal he Na nal TFrve elnes lited today's ewpaper palication 1 reortly spke with the retired Trar if ie Ued Sates of MCPOT: Americn whe ld n ally y s Trvarer ve ly eenhand Mrgn Ser dal of thee rare Mrgan r D Dolar hoan lars led ty che Go back ia o e te atealy find the anector waled away in Bate Retricted Bank Rol n pristine condion i Ending berd tovaare aone te acky vncogh to get their hande on There ene de Bk Rols had letler hd e them" Lynne sak. "Nowthai the ateteta mideti ete Retrieted lank Rell are being ted a dered up we wat te surprid etherly hoasands of Peybaia redenta yore beca en elaim the ma n nd o 14 Bnk Re per reldent bet es-000 ey're allgone iynne id. "Thats bece the dates ad wwrks of the US Gwt ld Mer colling losa bug Wediour Tvasyvanla residesta get the Sute make sure they anaresident of the nSver Dn sid wy lide lest tor the lyeail Restrktel Rank Rala befere they'e state ef Peanytvanie and call the TOR PE n A STATE WESC TS ONLY .FLI PA RESTRICTED POR PE A STATE HES HTS ONLY agine nding PA ho atoneof CONAE DY UNITED STATES MINT VALUALE RESTRICTED beure hut eteing w y thrs t handson the becane the da and Govteedco hese State of Pey te sorched Alweinoome of te c FOR PENNSYE collector va Omes ther face va National Tl-Free Hotlies befire Bank lelle huve never been warched Treanry wt up the National Toll The only thing readers of today's the -day deadline mde midnight Tut, wedkow that he cina date Fre Hiines oder temake are apaper publication red te do la tomorow cear bak to the 0ooand arth y 100 th e valn, IMPORTANT: The dates and mint marks of the US. Govt issued Morgan Silver Dolars sealed ere in no leling what Penyvinia identa wil fnd tey away inide the State of Pernsylvania Restricted Bank Rolls have never been searched, Coin val- ues always fluctuate and they are never any ouarantees, but any of the scarce coins shown below, And ews the best part. If pou a regardiess of their value that sesidents may find inside the sealed Bank Rols are theirs to keep. aridentofthe atedeyhania you oer only the per coln ale ini m t by the National Mint and Tro- urs thath ten ely wea US G nd Morgan Sver D lan worth ep to 100 simen their facre vale for just 0 uhih i a real steal tecase e residets mwt pay R per rany colna remain aer the day deadine. Thely thing yvania identa eed te deise the National TPree Holine prited in oday per juratike bee te day Metge 000 oeder deade eads "Rarly seen US Gov ed co lke thene are high y ught aher, but wve ever en nything e the bed. Areording o The Offelal Red Book, a Guide Bok of Usited Sute Cols any Mongan Slver Deas minted in the coH - S ace KOO each in collector valgnet "S just lagine hw the last aining eerchel State of Penyania Restrited Bok Rele oveld be worth moday. Remember these are sot oedinary cola - the anty een col 0 year od. In ft these coins hae been fer wer ired ly the UA Gon, and ye can't gt them lled wy anywhere becaue thee are the only Sute Restrieted Blank o knowa to exiet," Lyne sak " ing thoand of Peyvania idents wibeklng the maium l of 4 Bank Role becuam they make ing gits ke any ocaslon kor shildovn perva, perets, frends and bved ones" Lenne sid. " kae ibe phoees wil be ring goff he hook Thach why hundovde of kdine Operton are standing by o answer the plenes beginning R this ning Ww ping te do our bet, bet wlih jast 2 day le anneer all the cas woet be s Se make are te tell everyoeto ep Ma anf M Me San Mtage 0o Celerter Vl Mage oe Ccter Mtage Caet v s Cullester Val PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS: COVER JUST S59 MINIMUM PER COIN BEGIN CALLING AT R30 AM: 1-800-60-0189 EXT RMRS77 AA REe s a or P a C Nw e A THE TTE LIMT ora enre or Po A HESTICTE A OLLA. ALL PE A EN THE -ar OADLNE A TT ONLY L TEN OcoN BAOLL LOADE WITH RAELY sEEN UA. oT D omANVER oOLLARS DABACK tO THE 10s woRTH o 100 TES TH FAE e TO . THE OY T PN REENT coven e co er TH Nao Mt A T , a rEN AY sN a A w u s00 t V ro r o A THAAAL L EE A w 0 ron EACH ere or PEVLA NEICTED A OLL AT E RE TO CALL THE NAONAL TOLL FREE HonINE BEPORE THE DEADLINE ENDe Two o TOars Ano DA NON STATE RESIDENTS: MUST PAY $136 PER COIN - IF ANY REMAIN DO NOT CALL BEFORE S00 PM TOMORROW: 1-800-868-0573 RMRS77 vu AA or ere o Pe A vou a ce o rar SI ro AH a LAR ron A Toa o S,ae0 Pu s A HAIN ron or PE A RENTCO RANKL LOE TEN oT o mLIER DOLLARs NAIONAL MIN AND TREASRE AGENC FOR ANY REASONITN 30 DRrSTROMU MAT YOUR S AND RETURN POSTAGE THS SAE OER MAY BEMADEALALE LOCATION OsoeNS A SALES AK NAONAL MNT AND TREASU PO Ox CANON O S NATIONAL MNTAND TREASURY CooyEemAINTLAAN.OR ANNY GOVERENT LAER DATE ORINAOTERENT GEOGRACA