of Wi EVANIA ES-BAR Wilkes-Barre City Health Department FREE MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE CLINIC Monday, May 23, 2022 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM First Assembly of God's Parking Lot 424 Stanton Street Wilkes-Barre, PA Please call 570.208.4268 to schedule an appointment or walk-ins welcome 1st, 2nd, and Booster doses available to those who qualify H of Wi EVANIA ES - BAR Wilkes - Barre City Health Department FREE MODERNA COVID - 19 VACCINE CLINIC Monday , May 23 , 2022 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM First Assembly of God's Parking Lot 424 Stanton Street Wilkes - Barre , PA Please call 570.208.4268 to schedule an appointment or walk - ins welcome 1st , 2nd , and Booster doses available to those who qualify H