What's your next career move? PA CareerLink® Can Help. Job search Skills analysis Training assistance Resume and interview prep Pennsylvania CareerLink A proud partner of the AmerícanJobCenter'network Contact the PA CareerLink® to get started: Wilkes-Barre: 570-822-1101 Hazleton: 570-459-3854 or email info@careerlinkluzerne.org PA CareerLink programs/services underwritten by the Department of Labor and Industry through funding received by the Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Development Board. PA CareerLink® Luzerne County is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxil ary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. What's your next career move? PA CareerLink® Can Help. Job search Skills analysis Training assistance Resume and interview prep Pennsylvania CareerLink A proud partner of the AmerícanJobCenter'network Contact the PA CareerLink® to get started: Wilkes-Barre: 570-822-1101 Hazleton: 570-459-3854 or email info@careerlinkluzerne.org PA CareerLink programs/services underwritten by the Department of Labor and Industry through funding received by the Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Development Board. PA CareerLink® Luzerne County is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxil ary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.