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    May 31, 2020
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Luzerne County Special Information for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election Due to the pandemic. for te 2020 prmary electon only. poling places have been consolidated. Please find your poling plaoe tor the June 2nd. 2020 Prenary Election in the iot below. The hgehted locatons have been changed from your nnguar poling olace to anew locaton. For more informaton plese visit ernecourity ong Mu y Pet h Regala hing taatn Heghts Ter tlet h 2 t Ha Heghta fema tementary ehel Vie Man t t Hta Hatn td a ad et Mun Han Stid F Stuti Staad Sowt Hann Tevace Paa Soun Ppr St O Oen Cempany st Drend m H Mt Predon od Chur la Fauth Swt H Haun City Hal 40 Nat Dur Stan Ou Lay rae C NomeSt Hut Han City Ha 40 Nat Drch Stetaan Our Lay of Grace Churh 70 Narne t Htonhack Townatip Municipa bulding tat Cnty Rost Nppen, 0 ughestn Ho Comy Cet S gh Huntock oti t eHo NAITON OITY HATON OIT Heghts Tere Eetr Meges tettay 2 H n Heghts fer temetary NALETON OITY HALETON CITY Hat tary (The Ca 200N yng St Ha HALETON OTY ATON CITY Hatn Dentay h (The C 200Nong Stet Hutan Hartun tarya Shoal (The Ct 700NWyong Saet Hta Hatun entaryae Shol (The Ca 200N ng Set Htan A Hatun taryate Sehol (Te Ct 700NWyomng Set H Heaci lomtip Muncipa lding a Cnty d pstopen AIMO MartinL MatteiM l 125 Ne Stnt on PA Nortwest Aa Soel 24home So Nortt aHgh l 24Theme y Lat ahmangh Schoul ILN O A uan PAI HALETON CITY wo HALETON CIT wa OLLINAC Twr ESON oRO ULOCK UNTINTON TW Town Muthodat Ourch 4U ed hn S Jackson l Company INO Duoad Shaetown PA Jeddu or keonation Cemter sON T 134 Ce ant Ptuten Schoel Sat Set PA ID Pttston Aragh School SStut Seet Y Pttton AraSchoel at Set PAD Jenki Tonshig lunte ie Dptmet 2 Scond St hnG kenkis Toip votanter fe Departmont 2Second SeetrtGee Jenki Tohp Munkiplding 4 Stkeman Church of Chrint ated thodint Church 90 Soh So tn N Church of Cr Uted ethodiat Crh 0 So Sorke Kpton Kington Central i departent 600 ongee on PA h Community Center CC S la pt i Kinpton Municpal llng 100 g Heyt Library ENGSTON BORO Wyng v t Mide Schol 201 Chest Stort Kng 4 Wyoming Vayt M l 201 Cheser Sot n 4 Wyoming Vlley ent Midde Sohool 201 Chester Stot Kingn o4 Wyoming Valy t Me ool 201 Cheser St Rngn 4 Wyoning Vlleynt Mide School 201Oester Soet Keg 4 Wyoming Vally et Middie Schoel 20 Ches Set pn 4 Wyoning Vlleynt Mide School 201 Chest Sot Knpon O4 Wyoming Vly M 20 Cher St M Crenn Crek Comy Chuh poa Crn Creek Comy Church NGSTON BORO NGATON BORO0 ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO h Commuity Center CC) 6ESIa Lare inlon PAA h Community Cemter (CC NGSTON BORO0 Tiille Metd Chuh 40 d n Kingten ten ldng atet C Creek Commty Chur PCare n Cre Cret Comty Churh 10 Car e NGSTON TWP ENGSTON TWP NGSTON THP Crnn Crek Commity Church ENGSTON THP Cre Creek Conty Church Ort at LALN BORO RMara Go Curh H LAKE TWP Lae To Muicip lding Lae ng La t epartt ding t tao La te fpat LARKSVILLE BORD Hate Srert ementay Beheel 1S t.Lee SMate reet Dementary Seheel LARKSVIE BO La ght zta e ta at La egh Coty 00Dapot la OuLay Ca 2 Ska2 BaMtan l terg terv k Du A Baa Mtan egnal Emergy terv 2I Du Hly amly Ca C wo ate Srert ementary Seheel LAUREL UN BORO L eg Comty ng 0 t a LOMAN TW DO Le Lahman gh heel s Oe atan LEMAN T La ahangh chol LOMAN TW Lae Lahman igh eheel LERNE BORO We Sae Ca echlgy Cente a Set g A Natte 00 Nade tt EWL JA Chch Stt toe PA Opling 20 Man St Nutcoe A JonSiHg Saool foutal Stadium 4on Se A Natice Cya Sa Rd Nt 4 Haly anfgtoa Cu 24Centa Set to Nepeth Cest SORer knu ep PAINS ANTOOE CITY wa Natote gh he S Nat Nalioe High le eo te Natioeh eS at Natioe gh Sche eso tee Nantiotegh ANTCOE CITY wo SANTCOE CIT ANTICOE CITY wos ANTCOE CIT Katiose gh S es atcoe Nepe Center SOLRber e epe An Nespe Mu erec tan hy e Nartw a hone s c Naticote Mgh Sheal es Narte Kanticola gh Schol Cs fonce Nants PAMM Ries Dementary Shol DoOaMatan Pnn Lae kociatitn Lahe Comity Center M L D h e Nege Manicipald w a gy ncpeck. PAIMS To Mathodut Ou SEW COLUMS BORO 40 Sosy PAS Neport Toie bding Mesting koem ka Nto A 4 Newport Top Mpal Garge Kemar k anhose a A IMM Nungula Groe Sang atN Pen Le kaciationPen Laka Coity Conter L Drve W Haen Petatos Ative n Center NEPORT T NEWPORT T NUANGOLA BOR0 PENN LAE PAR BOD PTSTON CITY wo HSTON CIT at Pme C Ph n Cente Pttaton Mamorial Lrary . Conp Center TSTON CITY Ptaton MorLy R Co Conter ntatine Towen 500 evey fot Petaton Tohip Municpl lding HTISTON CITY Patston Momorial Lbrars R.Cong Center at wt P Ptaton Aragh Schoel St Set Ve A Petston AagSchool 5Sout Seet T A Selomen i unier h Schol tPa Selomen P er ho 4TAben St Pas S TSTON T HSTON T Dupont D Ga 150 Come Ma Vnter bulanor kanocition M as s Pais Teip Maicpal lding PLANS TP PLANS P Luzerne County Special Information for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election Due to the pandemic. for te 2020 prmary electon only. poling places have been consolidated. Please find your poling plaoe tor the June 2nd. 2020 Prenary Election in the iot below. The hgehted locatons have been changed from your nnguar poling olace to anew locaton. For more informaton plese visit ernecourity ong Mu y Pet h Regala hing taatn Heghts Ter tlet h 2 t Ha Heghta fema tementary ehel Vie Man t t Hta Hatn td a ad et Mun Han Stid F Stuti Staad Sowt Hann Tevace Paa Soun Ppr St O Oen Cempany st Drend m H Mt Predon od Chur la Fauth Swt H Haun City Hal 40 Nat Dur Stan Ou Lay rae C NomeSt Hut Han City Ha 40 Nat Drch Stetaan Our Lay of Grace Churh 70 Narne t Htonhack Townatip Municipa bulding tat Cnty Rost Nppen, 0 ughestn Ho Comy Cet S gh Huntock oti t eHo NAITON OITY HATON OIT Heghts Tere Eetr Meges tettay 2 H n Heghts fer temetary NALETON OITY HALETON CITY Hat tary (The Ca 200N yng St Ha HALETON OTY ATON CITY Hatn Dentay h (The C 200Nong Stet Hutan Hartun tarya Shoal (The Ct 700NWyong Saet Hta Hatun entaryae Shol (The Ca 200N ng Set Htan A Hatun taryate Sehol (Te Ct 700NWyomng Set H Heaci lomtip Muncipa lding a Cnty d pstopen AIMO MartinL MatteiM l 125 Ne Stnt on PA Nortwest Aa Soel 24home So Nortt aHgh l 24Theme y Lat ahmangh Schoul ILN O A uan PAI HALETON CITY wo HALETON CIT wa OLLINAC Twr ESON oRO ULOCK UNTINTON TW Town Muthodat Ourch 4U ed hn S Jackson l Company INO Duoad Shaetown PA Jeddu or keonation Cemter sON T 134 Ce ant Ptuten Schoel Sat Set PA ID Pttston Aragh School SStut Seet Y Pttton AraSchoel at Set PAD Jenki Tonshig lunte ie Dptmet 2 Scond St hnG kenkis Toip votanter fe Departmont 2Second SeetrtGee Jenki Tohp Munkiplding 4 Stkeman Church of Chrint ated thodint Church 90 Soh So tn N Church of Cr Uted ethodiat Crh 0 So Sorke Kpton Kington Central i departent 600 ongee on PA h Community Center CC S la pt i Kinpton Municpal llng 100 g Heyt Library ENGSTON BORO Wyng v t Mide Schol 201 Chest Stort Kng 4 Wyoming Vayt M l 201 Cheser Sot n 4 Wyoming Vlley ent Midde Sohool 201 Chester Stot Kingn o4 Wyoming Valy t Me ool 201 Cheser St Rngn 4 Wyoning Vlleynt Mide School 201Oester Soet Keg 4 Wyoming Vally et Middie Schoel 20 Ches Set pn 4 Wyoning Vlleynt Mide School 201 Chest Sot Knpon O4 Wyoming Vly M 20 Cher St M Crenn Crek Comy Chuh poa Crn Creek Comy Church NGSTON BORO NGATON BORO0 ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO ENGSTON BORO h Commuity Center CC) 6ESIa Lare inlon PAA h Community Cemter (CC NGSTON BORO0 Tiille Metd Chuh 40 d n Kingten ten ldng atet C Creek Commty Chur PCare n Cre Cret Comty Churh 10 Car e NGSTON TWP ENGSTON TWP NGSTON THP Crnn Crek Commity Church ENGSTON THP Cre Creek Conty Church Ort at LALN BORO RMara Go Curh H LAKE TWP Lae To Muicip lding Lae ng La t epartt ding t tao La te fpat LARKSVILLE BORD Hate Srert ementay Beheel 1S t.Lee SMate reet Dementary Seheel LARKSVIE BO La ght zta e ta at La egh Coty 00Dapot la OuLay Ca 2 Ska2 BaMtan l terg terv k Du A Baa Mtan egnal Emergy terv 2I Du Hly amly Ca C wo ate Srert ementary Seheel LAUREL UN BORO L eg Comty ng 0 t a LOMAN TW DO Le Lahman gh heel s Oe atan LEMAN T La ahangh chol LOMAN TW Lae Lahman igh eheel LERNE BORO We Sae Ca echlgy Cente a Set g A Natte 00 Nade tt EWL JA Chch Stt toe PA Opling 20 Man St Nutcoe A JonSiHg Saool foutal Stadium 4on Se A Natice Cya Sa Rd Nt 4 Haly anfgtoa Cu 24Centa Set to Nepeth Cest SORer knu ep PAINS ANTOOE CITY wa Natote gh he S Nat Nalioe High le eo te Natioeh eS at Natioe gh Sche eso tee Nantiotegh ANTCOE CITY wo SANTCOE CIT ANTICOE CITY wos ANTCOE CIT Katiose gh S es atcoe Nepe Center SOLRber e epe An Nespe Mu erec tan hy e Nartw a hone s c Naticote Mgh Sheal es Narte Kanticola gh Schol Cs fonce Nants PAMM Ries Dementary Shol DoOaMatan Pnn Lae kociatitn Lahe Comity Center M L D h e Nege Manicipald w a gy ncpeck. PAIMS To Mathodut Ou SEW COLUMS BORO 40 Sosy PAS Neport Toie bding Mesting koem ka Nto A 4 Newport Top Mpal Garge Kemar k anhose a A IMM Nungula Groe Sang atN Pen Le kaciationPen Laka Coity Conter L Drve W Haen Petatos Ative n Center NEPORT T NEWPORT T NUANGOLA BOR0 PENN LAE PAR BOD PTSTON CITY wo HSTON CIT at Pme C Ph n Cente Pttaton Mamorial Lrary . Conp Center TSTON CITY Ptaton MorLy R Co Conter ntatine Towen 500 evey fot Petaton Tohip Municpl lding HTISTON CITY Patston Momorial Lbrars R.Cong Center at wt P Ptaton Aragh Schoel St Set Ve A Petston AagSchool 5Sout Seet T A Selomen i unier h Schol tPa Selomen P er ho 4TAben St Pas S TSTON T HSTON T Dupont D Ga 150 Come Ma Vnter bulanor kanocition M as s Pais Teip Maicpal lding PLANS TP PLANS P