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  • Published Date

    August 20, 2018
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2018 DATES: September 17 & 24 and October 1, 15, 22 & 29. Executives, you can be part of Leadership Wilkes-Barre Fast Facts 6 dinner programs Sessions are held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m Average class size is 20-25 participants Executive Leadership Wilkes-Barre is designed for senior business and nonprofit executives that are new in their position, new to Northeast Pennsylvania or execu tives who would like to get reacquainted with our com Sessions are hostedmunity. at local venues which often directly relate to the topic being presented The program is conducted each fall and consists of six dinner sessions. Each session includes social and net- working opportunities, presentations, question and answer period, and dinner. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to participate at no additional cost Program Objectives Acquaint participants with Northeastern Pennsylva- nia's history, business environment, political and civic structures, and community and economic development initiatives. Topics History of NEPA Arts & Culture Economic & Community Development Provide information about local cultural and recreation- al resources. Downtown Revitalization Provide the opportunity to interact with a cross-section of key local decision-makers. Recreation & Attractions Introduce participants to the otherexecuive/profes- sional individuals and couples. Volunteer Opportunities Help program graduates become involved with the community by matching your interests to an organiza tion or activities. LEADERSHIP WILKES-BARRE 4 PuBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA 18701 (570) 270-LEAD (5323) www.LEADERSHIPWILKES-BARRE.ORG