FREE WILLS and LIVING TRUSTS SEMINARS Pennsylvania law firm reveals the 7 costly mistakes families make in their estate plans! Will your family be one of those casualties? Attend this seminar and immediately discover how you can avoid mistakes in these key areas PROBATE COSTS AND DELAYSg taia lanning ahead AMILY HOME PROTECTION: The ipactof the Exiate Reone FREE SEMINARS RESERVE YOUR SEAT Thursdoy, August 23 Wedenesdoy, August 22 Satueday, Augvst 25 The Law Offices of IN MICHAEL J. KIZIS ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW REAL ESTATE 61 N. Washingson Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 436 Jefferson Ave., Scranion. PA 18510 All seminar ottendees will teceive a FREE onehour privote consuitation fo see how o proper estale plan will beneft you and your famly ($340 volue) Seating Is Limited, So Call Now! (570) 270-6524 24-h Reservation line or Register Online