Upskill Your Workforce Through Project Pivot! project pivot Through this program, your employees will have FREE access to 17,000+ online Linkedin Learning courses designed to give them the skills they need to grow within your company. You will have the opportunity to work directly with our Project PIVOT team and the team at Linkedin Learning, to develop a specially-tailored pathway that is specific to your company and employee needs, to help you take your current workforce to the next level in their skillset, and to address any educational gaps your team may be experiencing. Thank you to our Core Partners: CEATER WYDNE ALLET Dant ten The Institute Linked in Loarning Ereer Link AWORKFORCE NEPA Thank you to our Academic Partners: KINGS COLLEGE LUZERNE PennState Wikes-Barre Wilkes University MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITT This project is made possible by a U.S. Economic Development Administration CARES Act investment. Find out more by scanning the QR code here or visiting wilkes-barre-connect/project-pivot/. ON O Upskill Your Workforce Through Project Pivot! project pivot Through this program, your employees will have FREE access to 17,000+ online Linkedin Learning courses designed to give them the skills they need to grow within your company. You will have the opportunity to work directly with our Project PIVOT team and the team at Linkedin Learning, to develop a specially-tailored pathway that is specific to your company and employee needs, to help you take your current workforce to the next level in their skillset, and to address any educational gaps your team may be experiencing. Thank you to our Core Partners: CEATER WYDNE ALLET Dant ten The Institute Linked in Loarning Ereer Link AWORKFORCE NEPA Thank you to our Academic Partners: KINGS COLLEGE LUZERNE PennState Wikes-Barre Wilkes University MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITT This project is made possible by a U.S. Economic Development Administration CARES Act investment. Find out more by scanning the QR code here or visiting wilkes-barre-connect/project-pivot/. ON O