World-class colorectal care right here in Luzerne County Mmaly ivasive surgery gly aed experienced sugeons Sae of eat technology Why ravet enwhere ee Prevention and detection are key To schepule a cotonoscopy or surgery ca us at 044-703-4262 Gesinger Wyoming Velley Medical Center 1000 East Moutain vd wwwes-Bame Geinger South Wikes-er 25 Church St wkes Bne desinger Community Medical Center teo0 Mubery St Scrnon Geisinger geieingeer World-class colorectal care right here in Luzerne County Mmaly ivasive surgery gly aed experienced sugeons Sae of eat technology Why ravet enwhere ee Prevention and detection are key To schepule a cotonoscopy or surgery ca us at 044-703-4262 Gesinger Wyoming Velley Medical Center 1000 East Moutain vd wwwes-Bame Geinger South Wikes-er 25 Church St wkes Bne desinger Community Medical Center teo0 Mubery St Scrnon Geisinger geieingeer