Case managers give special attention to those who need it most. Kathleen O'Brien is a lung cancer survivor who also has diabetes. Because of her complex medical needs, case manager Sarah Dorsey, RN, was assigned to help with her care at Geisinger Kingston - al part of her Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage coverage. Ms. O'Brien became very il in late 2020 with stomach bloating vomiting and weight loss. "I was frightened to death. I thought I had cancer again, she says. "All i could think of was my kids. I wasn't ready But Ms. Dorsey was ready. She took charge, arranging for Ms. O'rien to see specialists and undergo tests. They found that Ms. OBrien had Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and was being undertreated. Uncontrolled blood sugar and side effects of her medications - not cancer - were the source of Ms. O'Brien's stomach problems. SES MILK VERS Case managers give special attention to those who need it most. Kathleen O'Brien is a lung cancer survivor who also has diabetes. Because of her complex medical needs, case manager Sarah Dorsey, RN, was assigned to help with her care at Geisinger Kingston - al part of her Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage coverage. Ms. O'Brien became very il in late 2020 with stomach bloating vomiting and weight loss. "I was frightened to death. I thought I had cancer again, she says. "All i could think of was my kids. I wasn't ready But Ms. Dorsey was ready. She took charge, arranging for Ms. O'rien to see specialists and undergo tests. They found that Ms. OBrien had Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and was being undertreated. Uncontrolled blood sugar and side effects of her medications - not cancer - were the source of Ms. O'Brien's stomach problems. SES MILK VERS