Grace is running like the wind - with Geisinger at her back. Geisinger Grace Visneski hadann of bad luck. The 15-year-old runner from Olyphant fractured her pelvis, tore her Nip cartage and learned she had asthma-all during her high school career. But at every step a Geisinger provider was there to help her get back to the sport she loves Respiratory therapist Ry Carman taught Grace how to use an inhaler Dr. Jeffrey Summers a pediatric sports medicine specialist, helped Grace work through the pelvis fracture. And pediatric orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Mark Seeley diagnosed and treated her hip injury. As for Grace, she plans to run competitively in high school college and beyond At Gising our goal is to make better health easier. For Grace-and for you Better health, easier. #1 Choice for Orthopaedic Care Grace is running like the wind - with Geisinger at her back . Geisinger Grace Visneski hadann of bad luck . The 15 - year - old runner from Olyphant fractured her pelvis , tore her Nip cartage and learned she had asthma - all during her high school career . But at every step a Geisinger provider was there to help her get back to the sport she loves Respiratory therapist Ry Carman taught Grace how to use an inhaler Dr. Jeffrey Summers a pediatric sports medicine specialist , helped Grace work through the pelvis fracture . And pediatric orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Mark Seeley diagnosed and treated her hip injury . As for Grace , she plans to run competitively in high school college and beyond At Gising our goal is to make better health easier . For Grace - and for you Better health , easier . # 1 Choice for Orthopaedic Care