Trusted care, tailored for you www Geisinger HEALTH PLAN Choose from more than 35,000 doctors and 200+ hospitals in PA In some parts of Pennsylvania, Geisinger Health Plan is a well-kept secret. A hidden gem. But we've been dedicated to making health coverage affordable for Pennsylvania employers and their employees for over half a century. Better yet, our integration with Geisinger's clinical expertise means access to a broad network of healthcare providers and seamless communication between your health plan and your care team. And best of all? We're local. Because our finger is on PA's pulse, we can meet the specific needs of our population with innovative, cutting-edge technologies. Take a look at what Geisinger Health Plan can do for you. Call 866-847-0132, visit or scan the QR code today. Trusted care , tailored for you www Geisinger HEALTH PLAN Choose from more than 35,000 doctors and 200+ hospitals in PA In some parts of Pennsylvania , Geisinger Health Plan is a well - kept secret . A hidden gem . But we've been dedicated to making health coverage affordable for Pennsylvania employers and their employees for over half a century . Better yet , our integration with Geisinger's clinical expertise means access to a broad network of healthcare providers and seamless communication between your health plan and your care team . And best of all ? We're local . Because our finger is on PA's pulse , we can meet the specific needs of our population with innovative , cutting - edge technologies . Take a look at what Geisinger Health Plan can do for you . Call 866-847-0132 , visit or scan the QR code today .