Col Curious about Geisinger 65 Forward? Come to our Summer Fun open house. Geisinger 65Forward Kick off the summer and see what 65 Forward is all about at our Summer Fun open house in Wilkes-Barre. Meet the team, enjoy some refreshments and take your chances at winning some baskets or a grocery gift card. Hope to see you there! Saturday, June 24 9 a.m. - noon Can't make it? Sign up for a private tour. Visit or call 866-595-7921 to register. Geisinger 65 Forward Wilkes-Barre Midtown Village 41 S. Main St. Col Curious about Geisinger 65 Forward ? Come to our Summer Fun open house . Geisinger 65Forward Kick off the summer and see what 65 Forward is all about at our Summer Fun open house in Wilkes - Barre . Meet the team , enjoy some refreshments and take your chances at winning some baskets or a grocery gift card . Hope to see you there ! Saturday , June 24 9 a.m. - noon Can't make it ? Sign up for a private tour . Visit or call 866-595-7921 to register . Geisinger 65 Forward Wilkes - Barre Midtown Village 41 S. Main St.