FREE Health Fair In Wilkes-Barre SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD 9:00 - FIX YOUR OWN SHOULDER PAIN 10:00 - FIX YOUR OWN BACK PAIN AND SCIATICA 11:00 - FIX YOUR OWN KNEE AND HIP PAIN 12:00 - BALANCE, DIZZINESS AND FALL PREVENTION Come to one or both workshops for FREE Seating is limited to the first 25 people (so call today at 570-970-0402 to reserve your seat) The first 10 people to enroll will receive a FREE gift valued at $110 ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 182 Butler Street | Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-570-970-0402 4805 Birney Ave | Moosic, PA 18507-570-774-4220 Visit our website at FREE Health Fair In Wilkes - Barre SATURDAY , JUNE 23RD 9:00 - FIX YOUR OWN SHOULDER PAIN 10:00 - FIX YOUR OWN BACK PAIN AND SCIATICA 11:00 - FIX YOUR OWN KNEE AND HIP PAIN 12:00 - BALANCE , DIZZINESS AND FALL PREVENTION Come to one or both workshops for FREE Seating is limited to the first 25 people ( so call today at 570-970-0402 to reserve your seat ) The first 10 people to enroll will receive a FREE gift valued at $ 110 ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 182 Butler Street | Wilkes - Barre , PA 18702-570-970-0402 4805 Birney Ave | Moosic , PA 18507-570-774-4220 Visit our website at