ELATE SPINESPORTE LATRICAL THER UPY EL SPI TE POBY EL PIN E "My experience has been a great one. All the therapists have been very good and attentive. My balance is much better and I have more confidence in my walking. I recommend Elite to anyone who has balance issues. They have helped me in many ways to get back to a more normal life." -Lois Kruzlik ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 182 Butler Street | Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-570-970-0402 4805 Birney Ave | Moosic, PA 18507-570-774-4220 Visit our website at EliteSportsPT.com 80999135 ELATE SPINESPORTE LATRICAL THER UPY EL SPI TE POBY EL PIN E " My experience has been a great one . All the therapists have been very good and attentive . My balance is much better and I have more confidence in my walking . I recommend Elite to anyone who has balance issues . They have helped me in many ways to get back to a more normal life . " -Lois Kruzlik ELITE SPINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY 182 Butler Street | Wilkes - Barre , PA 18702-570-970-0402 4805 Birney Ave | Moosic , PA 18507-570-774-4220 Visit our website at EliteSportsPT.com 80999135