Chances ofAmerica Check out our new Book I Handful 0 Sin:ple Poetry fro Me To You "A Handful Of Simple Poetry from Me To You" WRITTEN BY DAVID PETER WEIDOW AVAILABLE AT LIBRARY EXPRESS Lackawanna CountyLibrary *Artwork System *Song Writing BOOK STORE *Poetry Writing Song writing managed through MAJESTIC RECORDS INC. published by Ci Universe 570-903-7145 Chances ofAmerica Check out our new Book I Handful 0 Sin:ple Poetry fro Me To You "A Handful Of Simple Poetry from Me To You" WRITTEN BY DAVID PETER WEIDOW AVAILABLE AT LIBRARY EXPRESS Lackawanna CountyLibrary *Artwork System *Song Writing BOOK STORE *Poetry Writing Song writing managed through MAJESTIC RECORDS INC. published by Ci Universe 570-903-7145