Get Organized he No. 2 item on our countdown is something that nearly everyone can improve: getting organized, whether at the office, at your house or with your entire schedule. Disorganization is a leading cause of unhappiness and frustration. Within reason, people are meant to live organirrd, predictable lives, bat reality and bad habits often get in the way of organizational bliss. AT WOx Taking control of your office life starts with your own workspace, Unless you have a very ype A personaly there's a good chance your desk and work area have grown more cluttered the longer you've held your job. If your desk drawers have started to look lke a rats nest, its cime to purge all the old papers and junk that's keeping it cluttered. Keeping old, important files in our desk is fine, but they should be oeganized and easy to find when you need them. nother way to stay organized at work is by using a daily "to do list. Before you leave the oflice at the end of the day, make a list of all the things you wand to accomplish the next day. Every item you ceoss off the list will make you feel produczive and proud. AT HOME Everyalhsing you own needs to have a specilie place to live. That means you have two options for tackling clut er at home: either get rid of the items or pet a place for them so be stored Clearing out junk from your house should be ome- thing you do ecgalarly-at least once or twice a year- unless you wans to end up on the "Hoarders TV show If your house is filled with things that you dont use very often, sell them if they have value and dispose of them f they dont. YOUR HABITS Getting orginized also invohes the activities you do just as much as the stuff you own Look at your daily habits and routines to see where you can make your life more efficient and enjoyable Many of the rcsolutions in our countdkwm can become eality -or at least made much easier-you include them as part of your daily routine, not something spe- cial that you do when the ie is right CLIMATE CONTROLLED STORAGE Locations: Swoyersville - Berwick- Wilkes Barre Pittston Call/Text. 570-714-4444 Reserve online: