CITY OF WILKES-BARRE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION TEST RESULTS The Wilkes-Barre Police Civil Service Commission has announced the following test results of the recent police applicant's written examination that was held on Saturday, April 1, 2023. If your identification number is not published, you did not successfully complete the exam. These scores are the actual grades from the written test and do not include veterans' preference if applicable. If there are any questions, please contact Frank Majikes, Chairman at 570.905.6479 or Lisa Sanfilippo, Secretary to the Commission 570.208.4157. By Score (Highest to Lowest) Score 67761 84 67779 83 67753 80 67760 78 67765 78 78 67788 77 67787 I.D. NUMBER 67785 67756 67780 67751 67764 67766 67786 76 72 71 71 71 71 70 CITY OF WILKES - BARRE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION TEST RESULTS The Wilkes - Barre Police Civil Service Commission has announced the following test results of the recent police applicant's written examination that was held on Saturday , April 1 , 2023 . If your identification number is not published , you did not successfully complete the exam . These scores are the actual grades from the written test and do not include veterans ' preference if applicable . If there are any questions , please contact Frank Majikes , Chairman at 570.905.6479 or Lisa Sanfilippo , Secretary to the Commission 570.208.4157 . By Score ( Highest to Lowest ) Score 67761 84 67779 83 67753 80 67760 78 67765 78 78 67788 77 67787 I.D. NUMBER 67785 67756 67780 67751 67764 67766 67786 76 72 71 71 71 71 70