Revelation Lifestyle & Mobility Center 600 Luzerne Ave West Pittston 570.313.1057 was weeks before Christmas, when all through the store, Excitement was building, for it's Christmas once more; Upon each of the store's shelves & placed with much Items carefully set for Saint Nick will be there. Sadi all nestled & snug in her bed, While visions of toys & treats danced in her head! When outside the door there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter. I ran to the door & I flew like a flash, You would think I was running the hundred yard dash: When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a shiny red scooter with mobility gear!" With a jolly ole driver so lively and quick, knew in that moment it must be Saint Nick... Black Friday Open 9-6 GOLDEN care, Sadi Small Business Saturday Open 9-5 Revelation Lifestyle & Mobility Center 600 Luzerne Ave West Pittston 570.313.1057 was weeks before Christmas , when all through the store , Excitement was building , for it's Christmas once more ; Upon each of the store's shelves & placed with much Items carefully set for Saint Nick will be there . Sadi all nestled & snug in her bed , While visions of toys & treats danced in her head ! When outside the door there arose such a clatter , I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter . I ran to the door & I flew like a flash , You would think I was running the hundred yard dash : When what to my wondering eyes should appear , But a shiny red scooter with mobility gear ! " With a jolly ole driver so lively and quick , knew in that moment it must be Saint Nick ... Black Friday Open 9-6 GOLDEN care , Sadi Small Business Saturday Open 9-5