VOI REP VOI REP PA's Must See Political Talk Show for the 12th Year SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:30 AM Volpe Report f FOX 56 WOLF DEMOCRATS LIES CONTINUE A SLIDE TO IRRELEVANCE As Democrats continue to embarrass themselves, producing their lowest approval ratings in history-as low as 21%-they continue to lie to the American people, who no longer believe them. The latest prevarication is that Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security are being cut. More lies, or dissembling if you prefer. What Republicans and DOGE want to cut are waste, fraud and abuse-not the benefits to which people have always been entitled. If waste and fraud are not eliminated all of those important benefits will be unsustainable in the future. For example, Medicaid benefits under Biden and the Democrats were used for non-health related matters such as food, housing and transportation. Then there are Blue states that impose special taxes on Medicaid providers, causing them to charge higher fees, which those states then bill back to the Federal Government. Then there is Social Security which is still paying benefits to people that have been dead for 100 years. These are the cuts the Democrats are screaming about? Of course not, they are lying again. All this will be discussed with U.S. Senator Dave McCormick, who will be this week's Guest on Sunday at 10:30 am on FOX 56. Also up for discussion will be new legislation sponsored by McCormick to fund the fight against fentanyl, since over 4,000 Pennsylvanians' died last year in fentanyl deaths. Dave McCormick U.S. Senator VOI REP VOI REP PA's Must See Political Talk Show for the 12th Year SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:30 AM Volpe Report f FOX 56 WOLF DEMOCRATS LIES CONTINUE A SLIDE TO IRRELEVANCE As Democrats continue to embarrass themselves , producing their lowest approval ratings in history - as low as 21 % -they continue to lie to the American people , who no longer believe them . The latest prevarication is that Medicare / Medicaid and Social Security are being cut . More lies , or dissembling if you prefer . What Republicans and DOGE want to cut are waste , fraud and abuse - not the benefits to which people have always been entitled . If waste and fraud are not eliminated all of those important benefits will be unsustainable in the future . For example , Medicaid benefits under Biden and the Democrats were used for non - health related matters such as food , housing and transportation . Then there are Blue states that impose special taxes on Medicaid providers , causing them to charge higher fees , which those states then bill back to the Federal Government . Then there is Social Security which is still paying benefits to people that have been dead for 100 years . These are the cuts the Democrats are screaming about ? Of course not , they are lying again . All this will be discussed with U.S. Senator Dave McCormick , who will be this week's Guest on Sunday at 10:30 am on FOX 56. Also up for discussion will be new legislation sponsored by McCormick to fund the fight against fentanyl , since over 4,000 Pennsylvanians ' died last year in fentanyl deaths . Dave McCormick U.S. Senator