PA's Must See Political Talk Show for the 12th Year Volpe Report SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:30 AM PA BUDGET: SPENDING MORE; RECEIVING LESS SHAPIRO RENEGS ON FOSSIL FUEL DRILLING; SCHOOL CHOICE Despite a $3.6 Billion increase in spending in Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro's proposed budget, the very thing which could balance the spending, tapping into our massive fossil fuel reserve, is still being shut down. Remember, Shapiro promised during his campaign two things which helped him get elected: getting us out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which is a massive tax on our own energy, and supporting school choice. First, he is merely replacing RGGI with something called PACER, which is the same cap and trade tax wolf, disguised in sheep's clothing. It is the same tax the Commonwealth Court declared unconstitutional in RGGI. Now we turn to school choice. In his campaign, Shapiro unequivocally promised support for school choice, as his own kids were in private school. However, he vetoed it in the budget. This year, not only did Shapiro not fund school choice, but he failed to include funding for Lifeline Scholarships or for the PA Award For Student Success. This week on the Volpe Report on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on FOX 56, Pennsylvania Majority Leader, Senator Joseph Pittman (R-41st), also a member of the Appropriations Committee, will address his party's concerns for the fiscal blueprint. Senate Republicans have raised concerns that the Governor's overly optimistic future revenue projections are wildly inaccurate and future spending assumptions could create a massive tax bill in the near future. FOX 56 WOLF Senator Joseph Pittman PA's Must See Political Talk Show for the 12th Year Volpe Report SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:30 AM PA BUDGET : SPENDING MORE ; RECEIVING LESS SHAPIRO RENEGS ON FOSSIL FUEL DRILLING ; SCHOOL CHOICE Despite a $ 3.6 Billion increase in spending in Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro's proposed budget , the very thing which could balance the spending , tapping into our massive fossil fuel reserve , is still being shut down . Remember , Shapiro promised during his campaign two things which helped him get elected : getting us out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative ( RGGI ) , which is a massive tax on our own energy , and supporting school choice . First , he is merely replacing RGGI with something called PACER , which is the same cap and trade tax wolf , disguised in sheep's clothing . It is the same tax the Commonwealth Court declared unconstitutional in RGGI . Now we turn to school choice . In his campaign , Shapiro unequivocally promised support for school choice , as his own kids were in private school . However , he vetoed it in the budget . This year , not only did Shapiro not fund school choice , but he failed to include funding for Lifeline Scholarships or for the PA Award For Student Success . This week on the Volpe Report on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on FOX 56 , Pennsylvania Majority Leader , Senator Joseph Pittman ( R - 41st ) , also a member of the Appropriations Committee , will address his party's concerns for the fiscal blueprint . Senate Republicans have raised concerns that the Governor's overly optimistic future revenue projections are wildly inaccurate and future spending assumptions could create a massive tax bill in the near future . FOX 56 WOLF Senator Joseph Pittman