ENGAGE BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS WEIGHT LOSS STUDY Engage Behavior Analysis, LLC is now accepting participants for weight loss study. This study is examining the use of behavioral techniques to weaken habits that may prevent individuals from losing weight. Below are some further descriptions of the study: Start date: Late-February through Mid-March Duration: About 10 weeks General Approach: Behavioral techniques and strategies that are designed to break habits that may be preventing an individual from losing weight. What to Expect: Participants will learn about habit behavior and a technique for interrupting habits. They will also be guided to become more aware of their habits through the use of reflection questions. For more information, or to be considered for participation, please call or text Valerie at (570) 904-0430 or email support@ engagebehavioranalysis.com. ENGAGE BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS WEIGHT LOSS STUDY Engage Behavior Analysis , LLC is now accepting participants for weight loss study . This study is examining the use of behavioral techniques to weaken habits that may prevent individuals from losing weight . Below are some further descriptions of the study : Start date : Late - February through Mid - March Duration : About 10 weeks General Approach : Behavioral techniques and strategies that are designed to break habits that may be preventing an individual from losing weight . What to Expect : Participants will learn about habit behavior and a technique for interrupting habits . They will also be guided to become more aware of their habits through the use of reflection questions . For more information , or to be considered for participation , please call or text Valerie at ( 570 ) 904-0430 or email support @ engagebehavioranalysis.com .