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    April 27, 2020
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ECONOMY GOT YOU WORRIED? It's times like these that your largest esset can be a life sover. Right now, your home equity could promote the financial stability you want in retirement. Here at AAG, we want you to know we are ready to help. THIS MAY BE THE BEST TIME TO ACT It's a wel-koown fact that for for homeownern, there are stil many older americans, the home many misconceptions. o their single biggest asset, often For eumple, a let of people accounting for more than 45% of mistakenly believe the home must their tetal net worth. And with bepaideffinfullin order ta quality interest rates neer all time lows for a HECM laan, which is not the while home valves ore stil high, case. In fact, one key advantage of this combination ereates the a HECM is that the proceeds will perfect dynamk for getting the frstbe ved ta pay eff any esisting mast eut of your bult up equity. liens on the property, which frees But. many aren't taking up cash flow, a hage blessing for advantage of this unprecedented senions iving on a faed income. period. According to new statistics Unfortunately. many senior trom the mortgage industry homeowners who might be better senior homeowners in the US. off with a HECM lean don't evet ate now sitting on mare than 7.19 bether to get more information trilion dollars of anused home because of rumers they've heard. equity Net only ane people Iiving American Advisers Group (AAG, longer than ever before, but there the nations number one HECM la fact, a recent wrwey by Request a FREE Info Kit & DVD Today! Call 800-993-5202 now. is aha greater uncertainty in the lender, found that ever 98 of ecomony. Wich home prices back their clients are satisfied with up again, ignoring this "hidden Beit loans. While these special wealth may prove te be shert loans are not for everyone, they sighted when looking for the best an be a real lifesaver for senior long-term ostcome. A things considered, it's net e these surprising that mere than amilen bomeowners hve aleady used a e used for almost any purpese qevemment-insared Heme Equity Cther common e include Convenion Mortgage OHECM) lean making heme ingrevements te tu their home equity inte paying off medical bilh or helping exta cash for retirement. It'sa fact no menthly mortgage peple simply need the estra payments are required with a government insered HECM loan however the bomowers ane sti others are now using it as a safety esponsible for paying for the net for financial emergencies. maintenance ef their home or oidet, you we it te yourself property tass, homeowner insurance and, if required, their HOA fees. Today. HECM loans are sinply an etfective way for homeewners 62 and older to get the esta cast they need to enjoy retinement. Alhoogh today's HECM loans have been improved ta provide even greater financial protection homeownen - especialily in times The cash from a HECM loan can other family members. Seme cash for everyday expenses while If you're a homeownet age 62 to learm mone so that you can make the best decision for your financial fature. We're here and ready to help. Hemewners whe a Interested in learning mere can request a FREE Reverse Mertgage fermation tand DVD by calling tol freeat 800-993-5202 AAG AFened on AK. CO. CNN.AFesm AAG ECONOMY GOT YOU WORRIED? It's times like these that your largest esset can be a life sover. Right now, your home equity could promote the financial stability you want in retirement. Here at AAG, we want you to know we are ready to help. THIS MAY BE THE BEST TIME TO ACT It's a wel-koown fact that for for homeownern, there are stil many older americans, the home many misconceptions. o their single biggest asset, often For eumple, a let of people accounting for more than 45% of mistakenly believe the home must their tetal net worth. And with bepaideffinfullin order ta quality interest rates neer all time lows for a HECM laan, which is not the while home valves ore stil high, case. In fact, one key advantage of this combination ereates the a HECM is that the proceeds will perfect dynamk for getting the frstbe ved ta pay eff any esisting mast eut of your bult up equity. liens on the property, which frees But. many aren't taking up cash flow, a hage blessing for advantage of this unprecedented senions iving on a faed income. period. According to new statistics Unfortunately. many senior trom the mortgage industry homeowners who might be better senior homeowners in the US. off with a HECM lean don't evet ate now sitting on mare than 7.19 bether to get more information trilion dollars of anused home because of rumers they've heard. equity Net only ane people Iiving American Advisers Group (AAG, longer than ever before, but there the nations number one HECM la fact, a recent wrwey by Request a FREE Info Kit & DVD Today! Call 800-993-5202 now. is aha greater uncertainty in the lender, found that ever 98 of ecomony. Wich home prices back their clients are satisfied with up again, ignoring this "hidden Beit loans. While these special wealth may prove te be shert loans are not for everyone, they sighted when looking for the best an be a real lifesaver for senior long-term ostcome. A things considered, it's net e these surprising that mere than amilen bomeowners hve aleady used a e used for almost any purpese qevemment-insared Heme Equity Cther common e include Convenion Mortgage OHECM) lean making heme ingrevements te tu their home equity inte paying off medical bilh or helping exta cash for retirement. It'sa fact no menthly mortgage peple simply need the estra payments are required with a government insered HECM loan however the bomowers ane sti others are now using it as a safety esponsible for paying for the net for financial emergencies. maintenance ef their home or oidet, you we it te yourself property tass, homeowner insurance and, if required, their HOA fees. Today. HECM loans are sinply an etfective way for homeewners 62 and older to get the esta cast they need to enjoy retinement. Alhoogh today's HECM loans have been improved ta provide even greater financial protection homeownen - especialily in times The cash from a HECM loan can other family members. Seme cash for everyday expenses while If you're a homeownet age 62 to learm mone so that you can make the best decision for your financial fature. We're here and ready to help. Hemewners whe a Interested in learning mere can request a FREE Reverse Mertgage fermation tand DVD by calling tol freeat 800-993-5202 AAG AFened on AK. CO. CNN.AFesm AAG