COLBERT&GREBAS.P.C. YOUR LOCAL ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW! Lakeside Skillet, 3075 Lakeside Drive Harveys Lake, PA 18618 SEATING IS LIMITED. Call Colbert & Grebas at 570-299-7909 to reserve your seat or register online: Protect your assets and qualify for benefits Protect your home and life savings from nursing home costs Ensure your health care and financial directives are followed throughout your lifetime Protect your legacy and loved ones after death ++ SATURDAY OCTOBER 21ST 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM FREE SEMINAR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21ST 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM *Certified Elder Law Attorneys by the National Elder Law Foundation as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Offices located in Kingston and Moosic COLBERT & GREBAS.P.C . YOUR LOCAL ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ! Lakeside Skillet , 3075 Lakeside Drive Harveys Lake , PA 18618 SEATING IS LIMITED . Call Colbert & Grebas at 570-299-7909 to reserve your seat or register online : Protect your assets and qualify for benefits Protect your home and life savings from nursing home costs Ensure your health care and financial directives are followed throughout your lifetime Protect your legacy and loved ones after death ++ SATURDAY OCTOBER 21ST 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM FREE SEMINAR SATURDAY , OCTOBER 21ST 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM * Certified Elder Law Attorneys by the National Elder Law Foundation as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Offices located in Kingston and Moosic