SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Wilkes-Barre zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of state silver bars are actually being handed over to the first Penasydvania residents who find their zip code listed in today's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bogs full of pure silver NATIONWIDE - Operters the Natl ver ing ke the el Tha he Rver Va g eethe n rer ddi "Tats wty Ppaste redenta weinge er y Fdersted Mi drppedteet rr ery wle geta the er a Teaf te Usted Rate Amr e ett r the p "Ae eler Mi, Ie pl ede teeking ss And beres the part. Thie ie grest s fer Pynia reta le te t erer Rute Mii ty the Federted Mat wt The ely thing r ed tode flat thr rip cade se Diariba SVER L prittin d ti rhir sp code e oe the hey ju wed te ll the Natial ver e thed r deen And he the pd Re PENNSYLVANIA RESOENTS CASH IN C dente whe de re ping the i Ate ate Misin t by the toda atonc inon the Tederted Mi of jut o teh Paytrania rer Ve g whih Whe gets the Siver Vault Bags: Listed below are the US. p codes that pet the Sver Vault Just per har lng they e Nal 00 EXT. PMM hom state dnts tyvs to get ther tands on the a ed st fothe whhthe fadratad Fode pro Bags. If you ive in one of these areas cal 1-800-280-2754 EXT. FMM3636 17814 18202 18249 18419 18S18 18617 18634 18644 18701 18709 17815 18210 18252 18424 18602 18618 18635 1a651 18702 18848 i n pretly AM ingapeted h y Pengha rets 17821 18216 18254 18444 18603 18621 18636 18655 18704 18853 17072 18219 18255 18501 18610 18623 18640 18656 18705 17976 18222 18350 18507 18612 18625 1864I 18657 18706 ie the t er 17985 18224 18407 18512 18614 18629 18642 18660 sa707 State Minimum t y the Federtad 18201 18237 18411 18517 18615 18630 18643 18661 18708 Mdat. Th t W a ret whe ed thirde n the dirttie l tdy are being Mnium r t y ko calling and cat et through Keng tring Rght now ro okinge cahn he st Stat Federated Mint tet, w wor sprioed boands nta arde e any arged te call Sr Vt Rags a tey can get ther hand on betore the dadine nt Thats becae the State mum set by h Federated Met has been stanted t the ot r at at 2 tor a er hat ouno ar tar the et 2 s t 13200 Sisee this pecial dvertng t t sep y trm e gets the t bags. And scech Se t ag ontas 10 p s ying up al the w 0 m Prenyanis ate ver rs they s Mmun t bthe Feerted et goe per VaBagtat the Se Munetby hefederted an t teir hasds, the Frtel duced e ther t ho ptting the ante M has le way or dcnt So b Jute er a Huch are thever Vat Beg worh: an t- thee lle lags peturd bthat ta d r Va gs ch. Ereryens whe geta er vtag aa teryon who tests the dadine the wie glthey did "Resdents wte want te a the lewet ever ate Mim ey wo pae a er ag Tht nty th we er w puesng state rta weng teo o a we tyt adine nd aing the Jante Ser Balte Bag nt te the National Sver Hine per hy apre condon. u ose he pt in an t ty the federtd Mt ge t50e per bag ater he deadie n. So yu tetter televe tttjat e Mhew mch thee Sver t ag ct be w o pad they d Thas becae he Mm Can i buy one State Siver Bar Yes Bt te towest ow Sat Mun set by he Federated Met of t s29 per Vt gitra ube r ate prt e lowt Mum t y the Feed M. A t Federied Mi hes d de and taidett p he0 pse heto by the better hurry. That's bea ter the d ds, the te Mi y a the State Miinum set by the Federte Mintlew new Thanands of US ide sta e n tr e pristine hall the sraeowt e Stat Memumt ty thete Ferted M redt whe fed Distbon Li aoe Peayrania tate Shw u et by the Foderted Mt will te u ides whe bet te 2- gittng the Sher Vait Baps tor the and t the old pu h Ser t Bag ater he dine endsit tS00 wh e p onty cover the lowt eer Ste Minimun t by the Federated Mint of wmany a po 0 t eh State Sver t ag whcht 29 per btar long they calth Natoler oe beto w e code ta Ste Ban tond inside The price de end 1-000-280-Z754 EXT. FMMNIE H per30 AM "Wre hcing r ealld eng the tst CK VE l e d resdenta whe f their pde li ed a taday peate d to cal the National ver Wahew 001002 PA 30 SI .999 SILVER STATE MINIMUM 999 FINE SILVER SVER HS ROCK BOTTOM nt and soe esin tting Mimum they ab RESGENTS AD48 HESTA EDE T SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Wilkes-Barre zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of state silver bars are actually being handed over to the first Penasydvania residents who find their zip code listed in today's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bogs full of pure silver NATIONWIDE - Operters the Natl ver ing ke the el Tha he Rver Va g eethe n rer ddi "Tats wty Ppaste redenta weinge er y Fdersted Mi drppedteet rr ery wle geta the er a Teaf te Usted Rate Amr e ett r the p "Ae eler Mi, Ie pl ede teeking ss And beres the part. Thie ie grest s fer Pynia reta le te t erer Rute Mii ty the Federted Mat wt The ely thing r ed tode flat thr rip cade se Diariba SVER L prittin d ti rhir sp code e oe the hey ju wed te ll the Natial ver e thed r deen And he the pd Re PENNSYLVANIA RESOENTS CASH IN C dente whe de re ping the i Ate ate Misin t by the toda atonc inon the Tederted Mi of jut o teh Paytrania rer Ve g whih Whe gets the Siver Vault Bags: Listed below are the US. p codes that pet the Sver Vault Just per har lng they e Nal 00 EXT. PMM hom state dnts tyvs to get ther tands on the a ed st fothe whhthe fadratad Fode pro Bags. If you ive in one of these areas cal 1-800-280-2754 EXT. FMM3636 17814 18202 18249 18419 18S18 18617 18634 18644 18701 18709 17815 18210 18252 18424 18602 18618 18635 1a651 18702 18848 i n pretly AM ingapeted h y Pengha rets 17821 18216 18254 18444 18603 18621 18636 18655 18704 18853 17072 18219 18255 18501 18610 18623 18640 18656 18705 17976 18222 18350 18507 18612 18625 1864I 18657 18706 ie the t er 17985 18224 18407 18512 18614 18629 18642 18660 sa707 State Minimum t y the Federtad 18201 18237 18411 18517 18615 18630 18643 18661 18708 Mdat. Th t W a ret whe ed thirde n the dirttie l tdy are being Mnium r t y ko calling and cat et through Keng tring Rght now ro okinge cahn he st Stat Federated Mint tet, w wor sprioed boands nta arde e any arged te call Sr Vt Rags a tey can get ther hand on betore the dadine nt Thats becae the State mum set by h Federated Met has been stanted t the ot r at at 2 tor a er hat ouno ar tar the et 2 s t 13200 Sisee this pecial dvertng t t sep y trm e gets the t bags. And scech Se t ag ontas 10 p s ying up al the w 0 m Prenyanis ate ver rs they s Mmun t bthe Feerted et goe per VaBagtat the Se Munetby hefederted an t teir hasds, the Frtel duced e ther t ho ptting the ante M has le way or dcnt So b Jute er a Huch are thever Vat Beg worh: an t- thee lle lags peturd bthat ta d r Va gs ch. Ereryens whe geta er vtag aa teryon who tests the dadine the wie glthey did "Resdents wte want te a the lewet ever ate Mim ey wo pae a er ag Tht nty th we er w puesng state rta weng teo o a we tyt adine nd aing the Jante Ser Balte Bag nt te the National Sver Hine per hy apre condon. u ose he pt in an t ty the federtd Mt ge t50e per bag ater he deadie n. So yu tetter televe tttjat e Mhew mch thee Sver t ag ct be w o pad they d Thas becae he Mm Can i buy one State Siver Bar Yes Bt te towest ow Sat Mun set by he Federated Met of t s29 per Vt gitra ube r ate prt e lowt Mum t y the Feed M. A t Federied Mi hes d de and taidett p he0 pse heto by the better hurry. That's bea ter the d ds, the te Mi y a the State Miinum set by the Federte Mintlew new Thanands of US ide sta e n tr e pristine hall the sraeowt e Stat Memumt ty thete Ferted M redt whe fed Distbon Li aoe Peayrania tate Shw u et by the Foderted Mt will te u ides whe bet te 2- gittng the Sher Vait Baps tor the and t the old pu h Ser t Bag ater he dine endsit tS00 wh e p onty cover the lowt eer Ste Minimun t by the Federated Mint of wmany a po 0 t eh State Sver t ag whcht 29 per btar long they calth Natoler oe beto w e code ta Ste Ban tond inside The price de end 1-000-280-Z754 EXT. FMMNIE H per30 AM "Wre hcing r ealld eng the tst CK VE l e d resdenta whe f their pde li ed a taday peate d to cal the National ver Wahew 001002 PA 30 SI .999 SILVER STATE MINIMUM 999 FINE SILVER SVER HS ROCK BOTTOM nt and soe esin tting Mimum they ab RESGENTS AD48 HESTA EDE T