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  • Published Date

    August 29, 2018
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We can't predict her future but we can plan for it, together. There's a way to always be there for your family. Whole life insurance can help protect them in the future while providing livingbenefits. And, even in turbulent times,it's guaranteed to build cash value, which youcanborrow from when your family needs it most.' To learnhow your family can benefit from whole life insurance,contact us today Ron Mead, CFBS Agency Managing Director MassMutual Eastern Pennsylvania 570-714-2797 MassMutual Eastern Pennsylvania Insurance. Retirement. Investments. Insuranco Roprosontativo of Massochusotts Mutual Lito Insurance Company(MassMutaal) Speingtiold, MA 01111-0001,and its aftäotod US insurance companios, Local solos agoncios aro not subs or es of MassMutual or its offa oted co por naro ce roducts sa ed by MossMr d pr ngfe d MA 01 1 1 1 o dits st sidores, CM Life r su once Co crd MML y State Lito Insuranco Co, Entiold, CT 06082, Ron Moad s a Rogistorod Roprosontativo of and socurtios offorod theough MML rwostors Sorvices LIC, Mombor SIPC and a MassMutudl subsidiary dooth bonofk, incroaso the chanco of policy lopse, and may rosuit in o tax kablity CRN202006-166620