| Attorneys You Can Trust and a Team that Gets Results. For wd deades the ladenip and epertie d orney kouph Quinn and Aeny Aln Kluger lae led their legal emmrkable sons nd juie fo r Aey Qui wogtien Tg 100 in the Nation and Tep s00 in the World, nd omey Klapr Preminest Rating Martindale lul along wh the Tin necognition er on of the Tp Verdictsin Pennyania are indioive of the levd of esperienor degiy they ing a the talle eny da The two kounding principals have mentoed the epl va- indudinga seond gertien of family dat was inpied se pacior lawwi de sme value dedicrian nl vaco dey've worked o hard toallain Pece t jul hee mot, a e p willwek harder f HKO AN HOURIGAN, KLUGER & QUN, PC Pronly serving dliene dheghoe Nonheaner M S000 - HKQLaom phA Quien. . E Pelry Ary Funding Principal Alan M. Kur g ine Aeney Tounding inpl Top Five Considerations When Hiring a Lawyer For complicned kpil inoses a thoagh domain e employmo law apert. beinging mere rewardh undeneanding of mancsof the law to selecommeniions and wis technological and deraiked tocimony to and the intricacias of kegal procedures workers conponaion you can depend repece your ce. iscwwial to chieving your gal. Thae makes che servies of an anoeney on the team a Hourigan Kluger & Qeln so be poor tretod logal soonse. Integrity ialispensable. So bow do you find an leegriay is of umost imporunce. A mens being honen and morally Money ben sitod for your kgal noelst Look for thew imporare ambune roponsbie to dienes and potontial dicnts while pemiding qulity kgal scrvices at a fale con. We hold the cacine Experience teameo only che highon and moe comistont seandanda, overysingk day. Eaperience is ully helpfal in moe ndeavees. For a lanyot t is crisical. Enuring fnancial secuiay kor cdem Dedication victim and chcir funilies esprocereing Twe generations of busincs lenger, Alrmys e Kger and Allan kger con en e Achieving the ben reeks akes me than knowlolge - i ropuires hard woek. thon that ane vinies of medial wrongdeing proecting che asens that a penon has worked so kong nd hand for, nd helping busineses dhrive by guiding e Hourigan, Klager & Quin, you'll find a m of handwarking perple No one will work Harder for YOU "No one worka hander for you" la moeç than jas a sdogun. k's our guiding principke. chom theough cver evolving laws and regulation - che saken ane high To kam moe aboer any of Horigan Kleger d Quinni Aneys nd sevios, or to schodale yo Expertise perswnalinol conakution When you neod an attornex, you harea Resources call (00) 760-1S29. specike kegal need. You'e boe erved by Look for a law fiem that has che facal an omey who is wll vned in the ara erengh to pronide ehoir dicats with ofler which iwobes dat need. From apen reurces. Hourigan. Klager Quin anomeys draw on the knowkedgs of cheir epanine ketemal am, and their iprenive ter ef highly specialied HKOLA penonal injury o modical malpractice LAW kigation: commercial leigion en HOURGAN, KULUGER A QUINN, C constraction accidoveu eminon | Attorneys You Can Trust and a Team that Gets Results. For wd deades the ladenip and epertie d orney kouph Quinn and Aeny Aln Kluger lae led their legal emmrkable sons nd juie fo r Aey Qui wogtien Tg 100 in the Nation and Tep s00 in the World, nd omey Klapr Preminest Rating Martindale lul along wh the Tin necognition er on of the Tp Verdictsin Pennyania are indioive of the levd of esperienor degiy they ing a the talle eny da The two kounding principals have mentoed the epl va- indudinga seond gertien of family dat was inpied se pacior lawwi de sme value dedicrian nl vaco dey've worked o hard toallain Pece t jul hee mot, a e p willwek harder f HKO AN HOURIGAN, KLUGER & QUN, PC Pronly serving dliene dheghoe Nonheaner M S000 - HKQLaom phA Quien. . E Pelry Ary Funding Principal Alan M. Kur g ine Aeney Tounding inpl Top Five Considerations When Hiring a Lawyer For complicned kpil inoses a thoagh domain e employmo law apert. beinging mere rewardh undeneanding of mancsof the law to selecommeniions and wis technological and deraiked tocimony to and the intricacias of kegal procedures workers conponaion you can depend repece your ce. iscwwial to chieving your gal. Thae makes che servies of an anoeney on the team a Hourigan Kluger & Qeln so be poor tretod logal soonse. Integrity ialispensable. So bow do you find an leegriay is of umost imporunce. A mens being honen and morally Money ben sitod for your kgal noelst Look for thew imporare ambune roponsbie to dienes and potontial dicnts while pemiding qulity kgal scrvices at a fale con. We hold the cacine Experience teameo only che highon and moe comistont seandanda, overysingk day. Eaperience is ully helpfal in moe ndeavees. For a lanyot t is crisical. Enuring fnancial secuiay kor cdem Dedication victim and chcir funilies esprocereing Twe generations of busincs lenger, Alrmys e Kger and Allan kger con en e Achieving the ben reeks akes me than knowlolge - i ropuires hard woek. thon that ane vinies of medial wrongdeing proecting che asens that a penon has worked so kong nd hand for, nd helping busineses dhrive by guiding e Hourigan, Klager & Quin, you'll find a m of handwarking perple No one will work Harder for YOU "No one worka hander for you" la moeç than jas a sdogun. k's our guiding principke. chom theough cver evolving laws and regulation - che saken ane high To kam moe aboer any of Horigan Kleger d Quinni Aneys nd sevios, or to schodale yo Expertise perswnalinol conakution When you neod an attornex, you harea Resources call (00) 760-1S29. specike kegal need. You'e boe erved by Look for a law fiem that has che facal an omey who is wll vned in the ara erengh to pronide ehoir dicats with ofler which iwobes dat need. From apen reurces. Hourigan. Klager Quin anomeys draw on the knowkedgs of cheir epanine ketemal am, and their iprenive ter ef highly specialied HKOLA penonal injury o modical malpractice LAW kigation: commercial leigion en HOURGAN, KULUGER A QUINN, C constraction accidoveu eminon