Fellin's JEWELERS since 1922 www.fellins.com three ways to her heart on Valentine's Day RemellStmn RelSinan a real rose trimmed in gold that lasts forever, a freshwater pearl necklace, and a heart-shaped box of chocolates ALL for only $99 14 East Broad St., Hazleton 570-454-7341 Valley Plaza, Rt. 93, Conyngham 570-788-1922 80952418 Fellin's JEWELERS since 1922 www.fellins.com three ways to her heart on Valentine's Day RemellStmn RelSinan a real rose trimmed in gold that lasts forever, a freshwater pearl necklace, and a heart-shaped box of chocolates ALL for only $99 14 East Broad St., Hazleton 570-454-7341 Valley Plaza, Rt. 93, Conyngham 570-788-1922 80952418