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    May 4, 2024
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Have you been wondering... WHAT IS ESTATE PLANNING? Estate planning can be defined in many different ways. To put it simply, estate planning is the process by which you accomplish three primary goals: Manage your assets while you are alive and well and if you become incapacitated Distribute assets according to your wishes after you pass away Leave a lasting legacy WHO NEEDS AN ESTATE PLAN? Everyone. Without a plan, the state will decide who receives your assets and when and how your heirs will receive them. Similarly, the state will decide who has the authority to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Finally, without a plan, your loved ones will have to make difficult decisions while grieving. WHEN SHOULD YOU PLAN? Now, while you can, before your plan is needed. Many people know they need an estate plan but keep putting it off. Big mistake. The longer you wait, the fewer options you will have to protect your assets and leave a lasting legacy. Worse, if you become incapacitated, you will have no planning options at all. Your family will have to make the decisions you should have made yourself. The time to plan is as soon as possible (if not sooner). Visit today to get your FREE guide on Estate Planning! click on GUIDES on the upper right side. Helping you plan for the loved ones in your life A Estate & Trust Planning Wills Powers of Attorney Healthcare Proxy Advanced Directives. Trusts Estate Administration Probate + Inheritance Tax Preparation Special Needs Planning First and Third Party Special Needs Trusts Guardianships Elder Law Medicaid Planning Long Term Care Planning Nursing Home Planning Crisis Planning 1205 Bregman & antz LLC Bregma 1205 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort (570) 288-1800 Have you been wondering ... WHAT IS ESTATE PLANNING ? Estate planning can be defined in many different ways . To put it simply , estate planning is the process by which you accomplish three primary goals : Manage your assets while you are alive and well and if you become incapacitated Distribute assets according to your wishes after you pass away Leave a lasting legacy WHO NEEDS AN ESTATE PLAN ? Everyone . Without a plan , the state will decide who receives your assets and when and how your heirs will receive them . Similarly , the state will decide who has the authority to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated . Finally , without a plan , your loved ones will have to make difficult decisions while grieving . WHEN SHOULD YOU PLAN ? Now , while you can , before your plan is needed . Many people know they need an estate plan but keep putting it off . Big mistake . The longer you wait , the fewer options you will have to protect your assets and leave a lasting legacy . Worse , if you become incapacitated , you will have no planning options at all . Your family will have to make the decisions you should have made yourself . The time to plan is as soon as possible ( if not sooner ) . Visit today to get your FREE guide on Estate Planning ! click on GUIDES on the upper right side . Helping you plan for the loved ones in your life A Estate & Trust Planning Wills Powers of Attorney Healthcare Proxy Advanced Directives . Trusts Estate Administration Probate + Inheritance Tax Preparation Special Needs Planning First and Third Party Special Needs Trusts Guardianships Elder Law Medicaid Planning Long Term Care Planning Nursing Home Planning Crisis Planning 1205 Bregman & antz LLC Bregma 1205 Wyoming Avenue , Forty Fort ( 570 ) 288-1800