NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION GUIDE GET GOING REDUCE STRESS ired of making resolutions that you're never able to keep? Next time around, pick a few easy goals that only take a few minutes a day and are easy to work into your routine and may be fun to do. Here are some suggestions Meditate for a few minutes Livestrong suggests five to 20 minutes a day of meditation sit quuietly, beeathe deeply get rid of distractions, allow your. self to stop worrying about tasks, li you have an offlce at work, shut your door and take a mid-ahemoon breakYou dont have to empty your mind, jast allow yourself a few min utes of calm. Floss dail According to USA Today: flossing every day is a s0-second task that can help reduce gum disease and tooth kes, which can make your semiannual visit to the dentist a much less painfual or stressful eperience. Keep your floss next to your toothbrush as an easy reminder. Go to bed earler. Depending on how busy you are for how young your kids arel, this suggestion from Livestrong may not be easy but its weil worth the investment Bren an extra 15-30 minutes a night can help your immune system, memory, mood andso much more. Schedule your bedtime, and stick as close as possible to Schedule all your doctors appointments for the year. Good Housekeeping suggests whieyoure at.Put setting up appointments for aointments in your calendar nervous system and lowers block is good for you and Fido, check out from social media screenings, eye appoinsments, online and don't worry about i. blood peessure. Find a plant acording to Livestrong Take and otherwise focus fully on dental cleanings and anything Get a houseplant else you know is cominup According 00 Good You can schedule appoin Housekeeping, indoor plans waler ments for lids and pets to0 n lower stress levels, and carTake the dog for a wolk the ing for a plant helps calm the ven aquick walk around the few minutes of quiet tme. that fis your lilfesnyle; there are plenty that donì need a lol of the time for a solitary ramble, the task at hand, your book, the alone with your thoughtsor person you're spending time invite your partner or chdren Tum your phone oft. Take a with or just emoying the skence. Offering yoga classes, massage therapy. acupuncture and metaphysical (reiki) BALANCE Work. Lie, Balanc Find yours yoga & wellness 900 Rutter Ave 2nd floor, Kingston, PA 18704 (570) 714-277