What is your style? Short and sassy? Professional and functional? Glamorous and luxurious? Whatever it may be, and however you see yourself, Kathy Pope can help you achieve and maintain the outward persona that makes you feel comfortable with being you. We offer you the most stylish, comfortable, breathable, and affordable hair solutions imaginable. To this end, we're happy to answer all your questions by arranging a consultation. We can help you look your very best! KATHY POPE'S | 570-347-6951 HAIR FASHIONS 965 Winton St. Dunmore OPEN Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm, Thursday 9am - 7pm, and Friday 9am - 4pm, Closed Saturday www.kathypopeshairfashions.com What is your style ? Short and sassy ? Professional and functional ? Glamorous and luxurious ? Whatever it may be , and however you see yourself , Kathy Pope can help you achieve and maintain the outward persona that makes you feel comfortable with being you . We offer you the most stylish , comfortable , breathable , and affordable hair solutions imaginable . To this end , we're happy to answer all your questions by arranging a consultation . We can help you look your very best ! KATHY POPE'S | 570-347-6951 HAIR FASHIONS 965 Winton St. Dunmore OPEN Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm , Thursday 9am - 7pm , and Friday 9am - 4pm , Closed Saturday www.kathypopeshairfashions.com