There's Still Time to Apply Join the Penn State Community Today. It's affordable. 85% of our students receive financial aid, including scholarships. Get a degree near home that's recognized globally. Penn State is ranked in the top 5 in preparing students for success and graduating CEO's. Open doors to endless career opportunities. You have access to the largest active alumni network in the PENN STA world. Find your passion. Call or email us today PennState (570) 675-9238 Be a Penn Stater. Wilkes-Barre There's Still Time to Apply Join the Penn State Community Today. It's affordable. 85% of our students receive financial aid, including scholarships. Get a degree near home that's recognized globally. Penn State is ranked in the top 5 in preparing students for success and graduating CEO's. Open doors to endless career opportunities. You have access to the largest active alumni network in the PENN STA world. Find your passion. Call or email us today PennState (570) 675-9238 Be a Penn Stater. Wilkes-Barre