Supporting our community and educating students in the ways of Mercy through quality academics and a mission of service to others. 1972 REMEMBERING AGNES 2022 H MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITY. Misericordia hosted over 1,000 evacuees during the 1972 Agnes Flood, including many brought in by helicopter. Over 100 patients from the flooded Nesbitt Memorial Hospital were housed in Alumnae Hall, which became a fully functional hospital. Fifty-two babies were born there between June 23 and July 31, 1972. Leading the way in Mercy for nearly 100 years - Misericordia University. Dallas, Pennsylvania | IRIA Supporting our community and educating students in the ways of Mercy through quality academics and a mission of service to others . 1972 REMEMBERING AGNES 2022 H MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITY . Misericordia hosted over 1,000 evacuees during the 1972 Agnes Flood , including many brought in by helicopter . Over 100 patients from the flooded Nesbitt Memorial Hospital were housed in Alumnae Hall , which became a fully functional hospital . Fifty - two babies were born there between June 23 and July 31 , 1972 . Leading the way in Mercy for nearly 100 years - Misericordia University . Dallas , Pennsylvania | IRIA