Lession Italian Ristorante f Proud to be part of the Back Mountain Community Thank you! Lent Specials & Pagaush Hours: Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs: 11AM-9PM PLAINS IS CLOSED MONDAYS Fri & Sat: 11AM-10PM DALLAS IS CLOSED WEDNESDAYS 1 E. Center Hill Road Dallas 570-675-4511 | 1092 Rt 315, Plains Twp. 570-822-0828 81013733 Lession Italian Ristorante f Proud to be part of the Back Mountain Community Thank you ! Lent Specials & Pagaush Hours : Sun , Mon , Tues , Thurs : 11 AM-9PM PLAINS IS CLOSED MONDAYS Fri & Sat : 11 AM-10PM DALLAS IS CLOSED WEDNESDAYS 1 E. Center Hill Road Dallas 570-675-4511 | 1092 Rt 315 , Plains Twp . 570-822-0828 81013733