Oliver, Price & Rhodes partner Atty. James Gillotti is certified by The National Elder Law Foundation (NELF) as a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA). The NELF is the only organization author- ized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to certify Pennsylvania at- torneys in Elder Law, and the CELA certification is currently held by fewer than sixty lawyers in Pennsylvania. Atty. Gillotti focuses his prac- tice on Estate Planning and Administration, Elder Law, as- sisting families with Medicaid eligibility and protecting as- sets from long-term care costs, Special Needs Planning and Real Estate. OLIVER PRICE & RHODES Attorneys at Law 1212 S. Abington Road | Clarks Summit, PA 570-585-1200 Oliver, Price & Rhodes partner Atty. James Gillotti is certified by The National Elder Law Foundation (NELF) as a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA). The NELF is the only organization author- ized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to certify Pennsylvania at- torneys in Elder Law, and the CELA certification is currently held by fewer than sixty lawyers in Pennsylvania. Atty. Gillotti focuses his prac- tice on Estate Planning and Administration, Elder Law, as- sisting families with Medicaid eligibility and protecting as- sets from long-term care costs, Special Needs Planning and Real Estate. OLIVER PRICE & RHODES Attorneys at Law 1212 S. Abington Road | Clarks Summit, PA 570-585-1200