Healthy Financial Habits Start Here! Know Where Your Credit Stands. Everyone may obtain one free credit report a year from each of the three reporting agencies. Visit to request yours. Monitor your credit report for identity theft and to look for ways to improve your score. For more information and healthy financial habit tips, follow us on social media. First K Keystone COMMUNITY BANK Gf Oin Yesterday's Traditions. Tomorrow's Vision. Member E 888-759-2266 FDIC LENDER Healthy Financial Habits Start Here! Know Where Your Credit Stands. Everyone may obtain one free credit report a year from each of the three reporting agencies. Visit to request yours. Monitor your credit report for identity theft and to look for ways to improve your score. For more information and healthy financial habit tips, follow us on social media. First K Keystone COMMUNITY BANK Gf Oin Yesterday's Traditions. Tomorrow's Vision. Member E 888-759-2266 FDIC LENDER