HAVE SOME PIE, SALLY. YOU DESERVE IT. Sally recently had surgery for acid reflux and is finally able to enjoy a family meal again. All thanks to a health partner who has Lehigh Valley Institute for Surgical Éxcellence the most advanced, leading-edge technology available - including robotic surgery. Here, we get you back to being you, faster. Your health deserves a partner. Learn more at LVHN.org/surgery or by calling 888-402-LVHN. HAVE SOME PIE, SALLY. YOU DESERVE IT. Sally recently had surgery for acid reflux and is finally able to enjoy a family meal again. All thanks to a health partner who has Lehigh Valley Institute for Surgical Éxcellence the most advanced, leading-edge technology available - including robotic surgery. Here, we get you back to being you, faster. Your health deserves a partner. Learn more at LVHN.org/surgery or by calling 888-402-LVHN.